Friday 13 February 2015

A Heroes Tale day 2 - (Rough Cut)

As filming continued I knew I had to get this piece done and getting to the location was slower then expected as my main actor (Jacob Poole) arrived a little late as he was caught up with other business.

But my Cinematographer MR Anthony Goldsmith managed to turn up and we were set and ready to head out for the location.

I knew where to shoot and I knew how to shoot it. But before I knew it I was using to much hand held camera shot by trying to do fancy tracking shots and panning, but without the dolly and track with me I had a very hard time trying to keep the Sony EX still while trying to keep up with my actor when doing the daily commute scene.

Once again the weather was not really on my side but it was a lot warmer then the day 1 so my actor was more calmer and he understood what he wanted from me.
I needed to make sure to get this done as I knew the deadlines and I knew the time span that I had for this day. I had from 10 in the morning till 5pm in the early evening to make sure I got as much done as possible.

When it came to the cinematography, to me, Anthony done his job. Some of the shots came out great and were like posters for an upcoming film which was great to experiment with.

My cameo came up and I wanted it to be as symbolic as possible. My favourite character from The Hobbit or Lord of The Rings is always Gandalf the wise wizard. I wanted to look like he but to an extent so that way I wasn't going full Lord of The Rings parody to the film and ruining the brief.
So I had an idea of being an old man with a big walking stick, I had the wig and beard from where I played as santa for a secret Santa for my unites when we were breaking up for the winter holidays.

With that alone I thought I could capture the feel of Gandalf and throughout the power of symbolism, I felt that I could pull it off.

Rough Cut:

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