Friday 17 April 2015


The therapy idea had to be put down due to complications but me and Plamen decided to do something a lot easier. With all of these creative students around the Rochester campus I knew just the idea. COMIC CON, I remember seeing one of the 3rd years student's work on comic con but I thought I would take a different approach.

In this student's work she interviewed people dressed up as fictional characters and they were pretending to be them though out the rest of the interview, which was a really cool twist on it.
I thought I could do a behind the scenes take on the event by showing teenagers who have went or have always gone to this convention and show what they do to prepare themselves for it, but also to share what they get out of this event.

I thought of the title:

Because when comic con starts the place where it is held will be packed full of people estimated to be around up to 100,000 people. Because when you get incise the centre of where it's held, it is like a battle ground to get to where you want to go.

Tag Line:
A survival guide explained through 3 teenaged individuals about what it's like to be at one of the biggest pop cultural events in the world, comic con.

I have three people to help me in this project in terms of the interviews:




Monday 13 April 2015

Documentary Update

Some Ideas Don't Go Right:

From our previous idea, me and Plamen decided to do a documentary on Bulgarian immigration with a sense of finding your true home.

We had an idea of placing Plamen in the centre of this production by telling his story as well as other Bulgerians around Kent... If we could find any.

We found a school in Rochester which had Bulgarians coming to class every Saturday to learn English. Me and Plamen set to work on this production.

What went well:
We thought the location and getting our idea down went well. We knew what we wanted and knew how to get it but then came the hardest part.

What didn't go so well:
Our pitch to our tutors didn't go well as Plamen decided to change the documentary title at the last minute without telling me.

What we wanted was teenaged Bulgarians but they were not so easily found and to be gotten held of.

Our idea was put out for other parents at the school to see if they had any teenaged sons or daughters who could have been interested to participate in our documentary. But none of them have responded.

What this has led up to:

Me and Plamen's idea can not work as there has been a major issue.

Nobody was interested obviously in this because we didnt receive any e-mail. Iuliana (Our friend from the school) said that she gave out the leaflets to promote our film idea to the parents on Saturday (the 28th of March.......) but there is no guarantee that she was not lying but there were no responses and Plamen very, very disappointed and we had to think of another idea. (THE GOOD NEWS) We then had one other idea...

Equine Therapy!
Plamern's mum first introduced me to this quite interesting way of treating people with mental issues. I think it is really current (depression, mental illness etc.) it can be under the category of health and we can interview a teenager with some sort of disability as well as a teenager who is a son/daughter of parents with disability - the possibilites are endless, as long as there are young people involved somehow which I think won't be a problem.
There are a 4 or 5 places that practice this in Kent, there may be even more. You can write "equine therapy Kent" in google to find out.
So, the plan is we will swing by 1 or 2 of these places to get some information and permissions to film in these practice places and I will update you immediately on what has happened there.

We really have to get a move on.

Sunday 12 April 2015

Guildhall Museum Documentary

In one day, we where told in a group to film certain things incise of the Guildhall Museum Rochester. I was probably in charge of the most difficult job in terms of filming, following a group of school children on a tour around the Museum. Me and partner where assigned to film around the museum and observe what the children where learning and finding interesting about the exhibits.

This was very difficult as we had to make sure to keep track of the children at all time, sometimes when we did some last minute recording we loose track of the kids and would have to look all around the museum to find them again. We also tried to get as many shots as possible around the museum as well as Rochester to help with the introduction of the edited video when it came to the finished piece.

What helped in the editing was that I recorded ambience in one of the art galleries that the museum had and used that as my music in the piece. Also I tried to edit it to make it look like a story, introducing the scene of the Guildhall and then the children. In some way it shows then show us around the museum and they are taking us around with them for the tour.