Friday 30 September 2016

Rosenberg Research (Dissertation)

As part of my Dissertation I wanted to research the psychological aspects of market research by using the popular medium of Superheroes on TV and popular culture. The reason I went this route was because it is a growing phenomenon a studios like Marvel seem to making movie after movie and gaining more and more profit, I thought it would be interested to see what other people see in superheroes in their eyes.

I came across a popular Dr of Psychology by the name of Robin Rosenberg who specialised on adapting the stories and characteristics of Superheroes and finding psychological phenomena attached to them.

There is even a lecture she did on the teachings in life that Superheroes teach us. She talk to an audience shows a lot of examples and what was interesting was that most of her inspiration came from her 3 sons who would come home after school talking about the X-Men which is what I am using my prime example in my dissertation.


Talks at Google. (2013). Robin Rosenberg: "What is a Superhero" | Talks At Google. [Online Video]. 22 August 2013. Available from: [Accessed: 30 September 2016].

Thursday 29 September 2016

Destination for Despicable Delinquents Development 28.09/2016

My Characters:

Henry Javerson
Age - 20
Henry comes from a very pride driven household with every single one of his family members having a degree within a theoretical skill. His mother (Hillary) has a degree in theoretical physics and is a university tutor. His father (Alister) got a first class Degree in medicine and is a Doctor.

Course Tutor - Kevin Harrison
Age - 35
The tutor who gives Henry his second chance and sends him on his way to The Destination for his final exam.

Mrs Dagmar
Age - 42
The Destination's funder and the main lady in charge of the hole facility. She funded the project of rehabilitating bad students as she was raised in the belief that the human body thinks and act in different way even bad ways when something is wrong, she believed that everyone deserves  a second chance.

Agnus Mcburns
Age - 12
This young lady came to the Destination of her own free will as she wanted the desire to burn things at her free will. Her parents were relentlessly arguing even since she was young and when she lit her first candle to stop them her calling was heard and she had spent the rest of her days at he Destination ever since.

Gregory Plosion
Age - 13
Ever since her was born, this boy had an over curious mind to point where his curiosity almost coursed a world destructive experiment to go terribly wrong. If anything scientific comes across his hands, wether it be just a frog or a simple flask, he would put any type of stuff into them just to see if an explosion were to occur. He was deemed by the government to be too dangerous but Mrs Dagmar found a potential in Greg and he was accepted into the Destination where you can often hear the sounds of an electric drill indicating he is still working on his next global dominating project.

Dave Smith
Age - 15
School after school after school, each one will tell the consistent amount of trouble this guys pulls around. Bullying beyond measure, wedgies, swirlies, pranks, anti social behaviour, and of course, fight after fight after fight. Quite surprising he hasn't killed anyone.... Yet! Before being sent of to jail because of a near beat down of an insolent student (so he has calmed) Mrs Dagmar came into the court room and said that her Destination would be perfect for Dave and would be kept out of harms way when it came to his family and any other school who might be misfortunate to have him.

Kevin Terrible
Age - 10
The main trickster and pranker in the whole Destination and only friend to Dave, this guy uses every single known trick in the book. He gained the experience because of his dad's shifty background and mainly had to use ticks and cons in order to help him. Eventually the jig was up and his old man was sent to prison, and since he has no knowledge of his mum (who is alive) he was found by Mrs Dagmar who over heard his dilemma and took him into The Destination to watch over him.

Sam Dagmar
Age - 20
Mrs Dagmar's only Daughter who volunteered to work at the Destination, she cooks, cleans, and teaches (to the best of her ability) the other people of the Destination on how the real world works and how they can adapt to it. She takes a shine to Henry and try her best to make sure his first day isn't his last.

Tuesday 27 September 2016

Pre Production Unit Idea

For this project I wanted to make something completely original that was entirely my very own that I could invent and let my creativity be the steering wheel to guide me through the process the makings of a great television series.

Knowing the television market in the 21st  century, most people just watch things that are internet related, I thought of a series to create from the popular internet service Netflix. Popular content is being put onto Netflix because of the services growth in profit and market research targeting the people who like to watch certain films and genres. One example is the Netflix series Stranger Things, the unexpected fandom of this series sky rocketed into already giving it the green light for a season 2. In the amount of 16 days in July alone 8.2 million people clicked and tuned in to watch it and research showed that this series was more popular then House of Cards.

My idea:
This idea came to me while just watching an episode of The Young Ones. I realised that most popular TV Shows and films have a gimmick when a series can take place in one specific location, these types of shows one such as the young ones take place in a big fancy house. Shows like these aim around not the characters they are there but the environment that the characters are in and how they use it from a day to day basis. Now this is the most difficult task... How to make it original, since the concept has been done before the way to make it original is that the sinarrio is different.
So how do I make a production like this my own?

Well to make something of my own creation, I feel that I will need to reflect on my past experiences and turn that into something special that not only I relate to but to other audiences would have a connection to or would just find entertaining.
Most of my experiences have been education related mainly by being a mentor and teaching younger children in schools. Lately I have to also have the privilege of teaching and filming with teenagers at a company based in Tunbridge and Tunbridge Wells named PQA. A drama academy for young upcoming actors and actresses. With this in mind I would think that my series would contain upcoming young kids and teen actors to take part in my series.
Though I feel like my series my be taking a risk by that being close to other ideas involving children in a big house such as the resent Tim Burton film Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children except these are kids with no powers but just destructive and unique qualities and some are up to the age of 18.
Still having the gothic turn on this series there will be comedic elements to keep it entertaining. I feel there is much potential for this show to go into major production if I gather the right cast, crew and most importantly my location.

Destination for Despicable Delinquents:

Series plot:
Henry is a University Student who comes from a prestigious family who thrives on knowledge and power, but due to unforeseen circumstances he is about to fail due to an error on his final exam. Fate somehow has given him a second chance as he is then hired as a phycologist at the worlds most dangerous place full of the most untrustworthy, undisciplined, unpredictable, and darn right most despicable delinquents in England gathered in one destination. Now time is against him as it is up to Henry to rehabilitate these outcasts of human society and prepare them for the real world before his deadline, will he pass or will he fail, or will the inhabitants of this insane place get to him first?

Episode Synopsis:

Ep.1 – Arriving at the Destination
Henry is a Uni student in his last year and is about to fail when he receives his last chance in a form of a creepy house with the world’s most uncontrollable kids.

Ep.2 – The Id
Beginning his first day Henry is put to work finding out what makes these monsters tick, are they what come between pass and fail for his Uni degree?

Ep.3 – A Burning Desire
Angus plans to make Henry quit by cooking up explosive pranks around the house, will her ambition be realised?

Ep.4 – What a Fine Day For Science
Gregory is at it again with his crazy experiments, this time a mishap causes one of his experiments to go rouge, it’s up to everyone in the house work together to stop it.

Ep.5 – Fight or Flight

Nathan has had it with rehabilitation and tries to push Henry into fighting him so that he can get evidence to use against him.

Ep.6 – The Ego
As everyone is starting to settle in with Henry and his ambitions, Henry is beginning to wonder if this is reality or are the delinquents just getting ready to pull of something catastrophic?

Ep.7 – Human Socialising
Henry tries to convince the owner of The Destination to take the other kids on a little trip outside of the facility, but she still doesn’t think that would be very wise idea.

Ep.8 – The Subconscious
Tabitha’s dreams are being to affect her in stressful way, Henry tries to use each method of Phycology to help her before she goes completely insane.

Ep.9 – Taking a walk on the Darkside
Henry comes up with a method to try and bond with everyone by becoming a delinquent himself, will his risky decision earn the respect of the other trouble makers?  

Ep.10 – The Super Ego
Today is his last chance, Henry must prove his lessons with the young ones were effective and successful, it’s pass or fail time, will Henry be awarded with his long awaited Degree?