Friday 30 September 2016

Rosenberg Research (Dissertation)

As part of my Dissertation I wanted to research the psychological aspects of market research by using the popular medium of Superheroes on TV and popular culture. The reason I went this route was because it is a growing phenomenon a studios like Marvel seem to making movie after movie and gaining more and more profit, I thought it would be interested to see what other people see in superheroes in their eyes.

I came across a popular Dr of Psychology by the name of Robin Rosenberg who specialised on adapting the stories and characteristics of Superheroes and finding psychological phenomena attached to them.

There is even a lecture she did on the teachings in life that Superheroes teach us. She talk to an audience shows a lot of examples and what was interesting was that most of her inspiration came from her 3 sons who would come home after school talking about the X-Men which is what I am using my prime example in my dissertation.


Talks at Google. (2013). Robin Rosenberg: "What is a Superhero" | Talks At Google. [Online Video]. 22 August 2013. Available from: [Accessed: 30 September 2016].

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