Tuesday 6 December 2016

Major Project - Main Cast and Photoshoot

Henry - John Redding

(Head Shot still required)

Kevin - Danny Cox

Derek - Shane Rickwood

Agnus - Natalie Ria Emma Bradbury

Robert - Ben Fleury

(Head Shot Still Required)


The purpose of this photoshoot was to not only get some head shots of my characters but also to test out the chemistry of my characters Kevin and Derek.

I scheduled a day with them and set up a green screen to see how they would react as their characters in front of the camera.

Danny Cox -

  • Kevin is loud, strong, intimidating, and lives for music and even plays guitar.

Shane Rickwood
  • Derek is rude, lazy, and is a total video game addict and the only room he needs is the sofa in the living-room that he has claimed as his own space.

Character shots and environments -

I prepared a space for my actors to get into character. For Derek's character I wanted Shane to use the bed and left over pizza box and pretend that he was Derek. What would Derek do in this situation? Shane tried to imagine himself to be an absolute slob:

  • Having part of his shirt up and revealing his belly button. 
  • He acted annoyingly as if he just lost in the game he was playing.
  • He even pretended to scratch his posterior as he was focusing on his game.

For the last part of the shoot I told both my actors to be best friends but as their characters. You two have know each other since you were kids, how would you act toward each other? My actors took a quick look at each other and then began to start doing certain aspects of what rude and loud friends would do.
  • They both began with a head shot back to back.

  • Next came a dance move of their choosing which was the popular dance move 'The Dab'.

  • They next pretended to wrestle each other is a friendly slapstick manner.

  • Next I told them, what would do if someone came to your front door and asked to keep the noise down? This was their response.

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