Saturday 15 April 2017

Major Project Development - Animation

In order for my project to stand out, I used more from my budget to hire an animator to do a creative introduction to the film to making it more colourful and louder. What most of the feedback I was getting from my drafts of the project was that the way it was told and the way my actors were playing out was like an animated cartoon show. The way it was set up and shot the feedback always came to in the from of an animated Television show. Then the idea came to me when I looked back at my concept art. If I could hire an animator to set the film for what it is, I could pitch this idea to a studio in the future who might be interested to bring this  idea forward and I could even imagine my major project becoming a show.

It took a while to go from website to website to find an animator to do the job as I had never hired an animator before. I managed to contact a UK animator by the name of Quentin Devine who took on my project with a discuss price. He knew I was a student and knew my predicament when it came to a limited amount of money. From an animator's point of view they get charged by the hour and with the £300 I was offering him, him explained to me that his work and other animator's work in the industry charged almost 10 times the amount for the top quality work that they are doing.

He said I seemed to be a nice guy and if I promote his work to my university and my peers then we had a deal. He gladly took on the project and came back to me with an amazing first draft of the animation.

Taken from my concept artist's designs he managed to copy the designs and animate them onto a beautiful red and black background which was the branding colours I was using from the start of my project. Quentin managed to deliver an amazing amount of work within a limited amount of time.

With what he gave me I could already imagined the names of my actors appearing and their positions in editing as well as how to end the animation sequence with the main titles appearing to then begin the film.

Quentin did an amazing job and the communication between him and myself was professional and quick. I hope maybe he can take on other UCA student projects in the future.

Quentin Devine | Record Breaking Artist,Designer & Animator

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