Sunday 11 January 2015

Workshop Exercise 09/01/15

In this workshop we were learning about visual quality and audio when making films. We were introduced to the Cannon 7D Camera, a powerful digital camera that some in the industry use for film making.

Coming from me, a guy who uses mostly Nikon Cameras, I still found it challenging to use this camera to it's full potential.

The most struggling thing about it was trying to adjust the aperture as most of the photography came on darker then usual and we were using Maidstone studios's biggest studio and the lighting was pretty low.

For those who don't know what aperture is in photography, according to Webopedia:

Aperture is - A device that controls the amount of light admitted through an opening. In photography and digital photographyaperture is the unit of measurement that defines the size of the opening in the lens that can be adjusted to control the amount of light reaching the film or digital sensor.
Then came to the filming exercise, without any sound, we were to check out the quality of the camera and make a short video. Either a music video or a old style video telling a story. My group made two videos, one music video, and one short film. I decided to make the short film telling a story made within an old style film from the 1920s with a hint of slapstick humour to it e.g. Laurel and Hardy.


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