Wednesday 23 September 2015

Research and Development Journal 23/09/2015 (Digital News Production Part 1 - The Idea)

Lawrence Sedgwick (Picture1), Plamen Dimitrov (Picture 2), and Alex Barker (Picture 3).

As part of this new brief we were put into groups that will work together to produce a two and a half minute news program which will contain:

  • A unique animation intro with the name of our news company
  • An OB (Outside Broadcast)
  • A pre recorded story

The concept/ brand: 

Our name (so far) is Lime Light News, our edge, to help and interview upcoming actors from University courses and how to help them get into the industry of acting, film, and tellevission.

When making our website it will consist of Lime Green colors and have a techno feel to it, to symbolize electricity going through a light bulb and them the light shines upon the actor, hence the term spotlight.

Our locations:
(OB) This idea of ours is still in the possess of finalizing as we are planning to get into the London Film Festival and record the event and interview actors or directors.

Figure 1. BFI London Film Festival (2014) [Image] At: (Accessed on 23.09.15)

Why this location?
With the help of one of our peers, Plamen Dimitrov, he has been granted special access into the festival itself. Plus with this wide space we can easily plant a camera and quickly get set up. The only concern I have so for is the level of noise as there will be a large audience attending this event. So sound might be a little bit of an issue but if we book a boom mic with a wind shield the quality of our sound might improve. 

Figure 2. 48 Hour Film Challenge (2015) At: (Accessed on 23.09.15)

Figure 3. The Closing Night Gala of the festival will be taking place on Sunday October 18th at the ODEON Leicester Square (2005) [Image] At: (Accessed on 23.09.15)

What will take place while we shoot?

Hopefully interviews with actors and directors, the questions shall consist of advice for actors and how the actors themselves got into the industry. With the directors (if we choose to film them)  the question will consist of how actors approach them and how directors work with actors in curtain ways to bring out their full potential.

Our pre recorded package:

There's a University for the Creative Arts in Farnham with a course that has opened specially for acting. With this we will film the course in action and show some of the actors participating within their course criteria. Interviews with some of the student will be included to help other people who are interested in acting to not only take part in the course but to also help increase to popularity of the University. With one of us as the presenter, we will interview the students with their opinions and thoughts on the course and dive in deeper with an interview with the course head tutor.

Figure 4. UCA BA (Hons) Acting & Performance page (2015) At: (Accessed on 23.09.15)

The location itself will be easily accessible as well are UCA Students although I would imagine we  may need a  permeate or a contact at the University so they know we're coming.

Although we haven't seen the inside of the facility itself, I imagine it will be an inside job so sound might not be such an issue unlike our OB. Knowing it's acting there must be plenty of space for actors to express themselves whist being on the course so I'm confident that we can set the camera in respectable places.

How are we going to get to these locations?
We a going by car as it is cheaper and in some cases easier to get to the University and the festival plus it will help us when carrying heavy equipment such as Lights, Cameras, Tripods ect.

So far our idea is coming together and we are already setting tasks to ourselves which is good so all there is now is to see how our New Production develops.

1 comment:

  1. A great start Lawrence - good use of sub headings here. If you write entries which are longer than a couple of sentences please use bullet points so that I can scan easily. Good work!
