Sunday 27 September 2015

Research and Development Journal 27/09/2015 (Digital News Production Part 2 - More Ideas)

What has developed?

The name:
Our new name after our first team meeting is now "Scriptline" with our motto, "Keeping Actors Connected".

Our brand colours,  green and black were still the same but our angle was still the same.

Figure 1. Green Pulse (2014) [Image] At: (Accessed on 27/09/2015).

From our meeting with Helen (our tutor for this brief), we came to a realisation that when it came to our pre recorded package news segment about the acting course of UCA, we determined that it was not news as much it is more promotional which was not what we were going for so in time we had to think of something else.

Until we did we then decided to give each other other roles in the group.

Plamen was going to help us with connections and calls so we get our filming dates set.

Alex was going to help with equipment booking and possibly transportation.

Myself, I'm doing the designing our logo intro and constructing the website for our online news program.

With our roles in the group now given it was now time to get a move on and make some news.

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