Tuesday 31 January 2017

Major Project - Location (Community Centre Scene)

Hempstead Library

What makes this location special is that not only is it local to me but also their facility is acquirable for free. There is a backroom to the library that I can decorate to look like a Jehovah's Witness meeting inside a community centre.

With clever camera shots and angles I can create a the scene between the main character Henry and his farther whose head will not be seen throughout the entire scene. I will have to make sure that there is enough space for the actors and crew from when the filming will take place. 

The main issue is to make sure that the furniture the library has provided look right for the scene, and how many chairs they have on set. If it has no right feel or look to it then I will have to find somewhere else to film.

Sunday 22 January 2017

Major Project - Table Read 22/01/2017

My first table read with 3 of my main actors 2 of my producers and 2 of my production assistants. The purpose of the table read session was to get the best out of my actors and crew for understanding the whole script.

I wanted to make sure the actors where fully committed to their characters and understood what I wanted from them as they play their characters the way I envisioned.

Since two of my other main actors couldn't make it my producers and production assistants helped out filling the rest of the other roles provided in the script.

Full video:

For the rest of the meeting I decided to catch up on dates my actors were free to film as well as go over some of the prop and costume designs for some of the characters. I made lists of all the clothes and items the actors would need and most of which my actors had already acquired to their roles in my film.

What was even more helpful was that I got advice from my producers about what they thought of the script and how in n some aspects we could improve it. Plamen even told about the different lenses that we had acquired to help with filming different scenes in terms of width and focus of the shots. For some of the outside shots with the scene of henry walking throughout Rochester the wide angle lenses would help getting the most out of the location as well as full body shots of the main character Henry.

There was a lot to contribute to the film and a lot of bonding shout with actors and crew, everyone got along perfectly and enjoyed the script read though and feedback was appreciated and taken note on how much I could improve on the film in order to make it as professional as it can possibly be.

Thursday 12 January 2017

Major Project - Script Breakdown


  • Rochester High Street 
  • Delinquents House Maidstone
  • Community Centre
  • My House


  • Watchtower Magazine
  • Art Canvas
  • Canvas Stand
  • Black and Red Paint
  • Black Bags
  • Food Wrappers
  • Spare underwear 
  • Beer Bottles
  • Electric Guitar
  • Amp
  • Games Console (ps2)
  • Controllers
  • Empty drink cans
  • Teddy Bear
  • Lots of Books
  • Safety Mat (?)
  • Poster for Agnus (ask Kaye to Design one)
  • Flour (White)
  • Banana peal

Problems to think about:

  • When making the poster that Agnus is working one, ask concept artist to design one for the film.
  • When it comes to the scene with Kevin and Robert, someone or a safety mat will have to be put into place so that Robert (when blown away by Kevin's guitar) will land safely into the kitchen without cause of harm or injury.
  • Since most of the scenes take place in the evening I must keep track of time or find a way to block out most of the natural light to make it more like the evening. The scene with Henry and Agnus in the basement can be recorded in the morning and the rest can be done at a later time since most of other shots consist of natural light in the evening.
  • When it comes to the scenes with the two young boys in the flashback, it might be wise to have it filmed at my house so it is easier to set up and the rest of the shots can be done in one day.
  • Make another day of working on the room scene with Kevin, Agnus, and Henry as it is set in a different location.
  • Make sure to get as many different shoot and coverage as possible, especially when it comes to the title sequence.
  • Also make sure to get lots of coverage of houses and doors being slammed  for the Rochester High Street scene.
  • To make the lightning effect, make sure red lights are set up outside and ready to be switched on and off to pull of the effect.
  • Make sure food is always provided on the way to feed actors when it comes to scheduling.
  • If actors are coming by train have Alex ready on stand by to pick them up from their destination. (Maidstone East?)