Monday 6 February 2017

Major Project Research - Music and Sound design

Book: Making Short Films The Complete Guide From Script to Screen

The music I decided use for my project is most consisted of hard rock and funny sound effects to keep the film engaging. A band I know allowed me to use their music to help open and close the film as well as give a good sense of fun and rebelliousness.

"Sound plays a vital part in the overall feel of a film, but it is music more than anything that bring out the the emotional heart of a scene and the director has to learn to leave space for music in order for it to be a part of the storytelling process."(Thurlow & Thurlow, 2012: 155)

The band is known as Spyder Byte, a rock rocking group from Medway who have had a rise in their following with their fun and energetic sound. Th reason I approached them was because they had the right edge I was looking for as well as being an opportunity to approach them easily as I knew the lead singer back in college and met him at one of my college gigs. The main reason for this approach is that their style matched the style and genre of the film, fun and sinful at the same time. Rock music is the essence and the soul of the delinquents of the film.

"Music sets the mood and atmosphere, it creates tension and contributes in a subtle way to showing the audience about desires, fears, even the nature of the characters." (Thurlow & Thurlow, 2012: 155)

Like the series The Young Ones I plan to use an artist's song to bring the films atmosphere to life. I want the audience to feel like the delinquents to the point is where I want them to party with the these characters at the end. Unfortunately unlike the Young Ones, I can't have the whole band in the film  as they are on tour while production is taking place while they are away.

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