Tuesday 28 October 2014

The 180 Degree Rule!

In film or television there is always are rule which, when broken, is known as "Crossing The Line". The line represents half of 360 degrees (a full circle), so half that is 180 degrees. This method is to help the audience know where characters are in a scene when they are being filmed.

Using this rule, we got into groups of four and we filmed a scene using this rule and we all each took a turn using 2 actors, one on camera and directing, and one on sound. This was my piece although I wish the sound was higher, the shots I took were fluent and looked focused and angled quite nicely.
This video explains the 180 Degree Rules while still using the method as it is filmed.

Here is the video:

The 180 Degree Rule

Thursday 23 October 2014

The Wind Rises (2013) Film Review

The Wind Rises (2013)
Film Review

Directed by Hyao Miyazaki

Animation/ Drama

Based on Japan's history on aviation in 1927 before the second world war begins, a young man named Jiro Horikoshi (voiced by Joseph Gordon-Levitt) decides to become a plane designer and dreams of making beautiful aircrafts and in the middle of all this drama with the Japanese economy he finds a love interest and it becomes a beautiful story tied around with Japanese culture. 

The historic significance to me was very interesting, recording the events of the Great Kanto earthquake in 1923 and the creation of the Japanese Zero fighter aeroplane, still marked as one of the finest aeroplanes ever made in the history of mankind.

Firstly……….. WOW!!! Why this film never got the Oscar for Best Animated Film god only knows, beaten by "Frozen" (Disney, 2013) just knowing this fact puzzles me today after I saw this final masterpiece of animation from the master himself Miyazaki.

I always loved Studio Ghibli films, always, and will going on to do so till the day I draw my last breath on this world.

The story is absolutely wonderful, Drama, Romance, Adventure, Thrills, it's all there I was literally crying at the end because it was so wonderful.

The characters are very well designed and developed, the main character Jiro at first becomes obsessed of making aeroplanes and focuses on his job but then his character becomes suddenly versatile when the wind carries him and he meets the love of his life Naoko Satomi (Emily Blunt).

The animation I shouldn't even have to talk about if you have already seen any Studio Ghibli film, the hand dawn animation is just outstanding and as usual becomes a thing of eye bursting beauty whenever you see it one the big or small screen. 

The music, I cry every time because the score just hits every scene with the right amount of feeling to it. The music was done by Joe Hisaishi who is also well known for doing "Sprited Away" (2001), "Princess Mononoke" (1997), and "Howl's Moving Castle" (2004) which are also Studio Ghibli films.
Here is an example of his work, from "Princess Mononoke" (1997):

I have yet again found a gem of a film which I will hold dear in my heart for many years to come, please even if your not a fan of animation, I employ you, at least watch this one, and I ashore you, you will not be disappointed.

To retire on a masterpiece such as this… I bow to you Hyao Miyazaki and wish the rest of your life to be filled with happiness and joy. I have a new favourite film to put in my top ten.

Final Rating for "The Wind Risies" (2013)

10 / 10

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Camera Workshop (Monday the 20th and 21st of October 2014)

1st Camera:
The Sony EX

I have to admit in my college days I have not remotely held one of these types of cameras without a tripod for filming.
So testing one out was quite an experience, the XD was heavier than it looked and it was for a good reason. Because it is very powerful and for it's price it is practically £5,000,00 worth of equipment and from my notes it comes with:

  1. Microphone
  2. Headphones
  3. Battery and charger

From other notes I learned:

  • All the kits come with a kit number. Everything in the kit must have that same number and must not get mixed with items from other camera kits.
  • The memory card is called an SXS card.

  • EXPANDING FOCUS – to check the focus and sharpness of an object far away and that the object can remain in focus when it is moving towards you.
  • PEAKING – A red flashing light which lets you know its in focus.
  • RAT FOCUS – term for pulling Focus.
  • SHUTTER OFF – located under the lens – this will let more light in.
  • Z, is for Zoom setting and appears on the top left of your screen.
  • Format Size: 1280 / 25P – (P, stands for Progressive)
  • To use MF (Manual Focus) push the ring back so you can see the orange line.
  • APERATURE – the higher the number on the setting, the more light you let in.   
  • Working from the lens backwards you will find the FOCUS ring then the ZOOM and then the APERATURE setting.
  • The switch on the bottom of the camera needs to be switched to MANUAL setting before using the zoom etc. otherwise this could damage the camera if forced.
  • Your battery life is displayed on the camera display screen.
  • 8GB is around 25 mins of recording.

2nd Camera:
The Sony PMW 100

This camera is definitely different in size and wight when compared to the EX, it was indeed lighter and in my opinion less powerful in terms of quality. But this camera can do things that the EX can't and from my notes this is what I found out:

  • This camera records more colour information, which is good for Green Screen.

  • If the screen appears yellow or blue try changing the WHITE BALANCE.

  • There are no ‘F’ Stops on this camera.

  • You will need to look at the (Z) ZOOM Number and the (E) EXPOSURE Number. Eg. Z99, which is around 7 metres away, and this would make your Depth of field E99.

  • GAMMA SHIFT – this is when you are experiencing colour changes in the background of your shot.

  • WHITE BALANCE – Fill the screen with a white test card, use the Auto White BALANCE BUTTON on the camera. Eg. W:A3300 K . (K, References warmth or Heat in the frame.
For the first exercise using the cameras, on the 21st of October, we got into groups of 2 and using different shots, we were to make a short film using a chair and using our group partners, find different way to shoot someone sitting on it.

I wish I used more shots but since we were limited to 4 to 6 shots, it was a lot harder than it looked.  I managed to make a story of chemistry between my partner and the chair using a sense of lust in the way it is edited and using music in the background. See for yourself:

The Chair

Sunday 19 October 2014

The Meeting Script (First Draft)

A foot treads in a puddle as a hooded figure walks beneath the lights of a gloomy street with his pitchfork in hand passing cars, houses and trees.
A young male adult is cleaning his room as then walk over to a shelf and picks up a picture frame of a young boy and a creepy hooded man with white pale skin. After a short look the boy makes his way down stairs with the picture looking over him.
The hooded man is reviled to be the same man from the picture, as he continues walking down the street in a rushing pace. The sound of his pitch fork can be heard *clump* by *clump* like a big walking stick.
The young boy is sitting on his sofa reading with interest, a musical based book in his hands. The lights illumining him gives him comfort along with his trusty guitar beside him.
The hooded man continues on his creepy path through the street of Rochester but stops in front of a random house.
The young boy is playing his piano and is suddenly interrupted to a knock at his door. His face is filled with exasperated annoyance.
The boy answers the door and behold if it isn't the hooded man looking stressed and tried as he then reaches his arms out wide.
The boy looks dull and un-amused as well as unhappy to see him.
The young boy still refusing to acknowledge him
Aren't you going to give your dad a hug?
5 years...
Thomas Interrupts
No phone call, letter, my birthday, not even Christmas with mum and me, a bloody postcard might have been nice.
You know the duty I must uphold to the balance humanity as Death himself. Look, I had some free time on my hands and I thought could spend it with my son.
The young boy looks even more exasperated.
Can't I at least have a cuppa? Please, Thomas...
Just one, then your gone.
Very well then.
 "Death" comes in doors with a smile on his face as Thomas goes into the kitchen to make the tea.
Death sits down with his pitchfork and stars to feel little uncomfortable. Thomas is still in the kitchen, the sound of the kettle can be heard. Death can no longer wait and gets impatient and goes off to explore the house in hoping to find his wife.
Thomas with an annoyed expression on his face waits as the kettle is boiled. The sound of the kettle symbioses his anger for his father.
Death goes in his old bedroom to see if he can find some sort of clue to see how his wife is doing. He is quite concerned as he thinks she may have found another man. The room is still as he remembers. But a picture of him and his wife is put down on is front so the picture can not be seen until he turns it over. There is also a huge bed in the middle with a closet right in the middle.
Death sighs softly to begin he’s next shamefully conversation starter with his son. He calls to him.

SO...... HOWS MUM?
Thomas just opens the cupboard to get the mugs as his father calls. Thomas looks worries, the sound of his voice begins to soften sadly as he was hoping his father would not bring up his mum into the conversation, but he knew he would eventually bring up the matter in discussion.
Death opens the wardrobe to find in completely bare and slowly looks up in disappointment but bravely continues to get the information he needs from his son.
I SEE...
Thomas leans on the outside entrance of the kitchen looking down and depressed.
Death leans on the door looking up like he lost the most important fight in his life. They say when your dead you can’t look even more dead then you already are, but not in this case for the Reaper himself. With eyes closed he slowly opens them again.
Thomas goes back into the kitchen to start pouring the tea, at the same time his farther comes back upstairs.
That's why she's glad to be away from here and you for that matter.
After hearing that Death’s eyes open with shock and quickly goes to Thomas. As Thomas starts to pour Death creeps round to the entrance of the kitchen.
After hearing that Death’s eyes open with shock and quickly goes to Thomas. As Thomas starts to pour Death creeps round to the entrance of the kitchen.
Are you saying that she has left you here all alone?!?!
She visits to check up on me now and then, unlike you, and anyway I can take care of myself.
In the middle of his sentence after hearing “Comes to check up on me” Death looks relieved and goes off to explore the house a little more. After saying his sentence Thomas looks behind him and sees that his dad has gone off again reminding him of their past together. Getting annoyed again him begins ranting off again.
Death passes a picture of himself as a young boy with his dad and stars to worry about  an oncoming situation that is about to occur. But then responds to his on nervously.
Can't a father just see his son
Thomas puts some biscuits down on some pates and looks up with a huff.
Look the only reasons in the past why you spoke to me seriously is when you’re telling me about becoming the next Reaper.
Death walks past the entrance of the kitchen and then pokes his head in and almost begins to panic.
IT'S .... Not like that at all.
Thomas now annoyed as ever rolls his eyes to the ceiling.
Well then what 'is' it about?
As the father sits down he take in a deep breath in hopes to keep talking to his son not revelling his true intentions.
Ok look, I'mmmmmmm in a little bit of a... how can I put it? conundrum.
Thomas brings in the refreshments as he sits next to his dad but still seems quite uneasy as he thinks he knows what coming up in the conversation.
Fine, but make it quick.
You see I have this friend.
I find that hard to believe, it's like the tooth fairy.
AH AH AH, the Tooth Fairy is real.
Thomas takes a quick bite out of his biscuit as if to prove a point.
I was 7 when I lost my first tooth and you told me that I was superposed to put it under my pillow and in the middle of the night a woman with wings would give me money in exchange for my teeth.
It happened didn’t it?
Yes it did, but it was, according to you, off schedule.
It bloody was!!! I reserved you for a one night delivery.
Yes... then what did you do?
*Huff* ... For disobeying that law I had to have her decapitated and thus her 5 year old daughter had to take her place sooner than expected.
That's why every time I lost a tooth I never got anything, just old rotten teeth. The little Fairy girl still has a grudge against us after what you did.
Death takes a slow sip of tea as he begins his next sentence.
Sometimes in our line of business my son, you have to get your hands dirty. Even if it is the filth from others that leave the stain.
Thomas looks at his dad for the first time with sympathy, it was almost like he was seeing a totally different person.
Look, I had dreams too you know. I always wanted to see a beautiful flower bed right by that side of our... *huff* HER garden. I always loved plants and forestry, now THAT was how I wanted to get my hands dirty.
There is a brief moment of silence as the 2 characters look at each other with strong admiration.
Look all I want to know is, why can’t you just put the powers of the reaper onto someone else?
Because our family is cursed with the contract remember.
Remind me again...
A long time ago the original Death, the executioner, the main Reaper himself adopted his own daughter and transferred his powers onto her. Thus the contract was formed, now every descent of the same daughter are the only ones who can inherit the powers of Death himself. That now leads to you and I my son.
Why didn’t you tell me this sooner?
I was kinda busy and...
You knew I wanted to be a musician someday, god damn it dad!
SSSHHHHHHHHHHHH.... He’s always listening.
That's it, why are you here? Answer me right now or your out!!!
Death reaches in his pocket and takes out a a small sand timer and shows it in front of his son.
These sand are all of the time I have left in this world.
Thomas looks at the timer and is disgusted and distorted. He has never been so stressed and angry before in his life. His face almost turns red with hated.
1, I am judging souls 24/7, 2, you never really listened to me when it came to convincing you otherwise.
Son... Please can you at least do this, for me?
Thomas looks at the sands in the timer going down and his anger turns to sadness as he decides that he needs time alone.
I need to think...
I understand, but I haven't got long so please, think quickly I mean... I gave you 21 years to prepare for this moment.
Don’t make this harder then it already it is.
Thomas leads on the kitchen side looking sad but deep in thought with the sand timer in the background.
Death is still on the setae with eyes closed and holding tight onto his pitch fork as a sign of stress waiting for his son decision.
Suddenly a hand touches Death’s hand in the pitchfork and his head rises slowly. The hand belongs to his son Thomas with comforting look in his eyes.
You win, I’ll do it, time you took a life long vocation... dad.
Thomas reaches out his hand and grabs hold of the pitchfork, a sudden flash of light engulfs the two characters until the light clears up to revel a man’s shoes but it is not Thomas’s. Going up from the man’s shoes you then see the face of the man who was once Death but now human once again. Beside him which was once his pitchfork is now a guitar which is now held by the new Death, Thomas. All of a sudden the man who was once Death begins to laugh and his facial expression it like that of a clown.
Thank you sonny boy hahahahaha!!!
The man goes off leaving his son alone to get ready for his first job.
See The man run outside with absolute joy and sense of accomplishment. He uses the tools he gets to dig his first hole in many years getting ready to plant the seeds in. He is excited as a 10 year old boy on his birthday, getting what he always wanted.
Thomas, the new reaper, walks slowly to the front door with sadness but with a tense face as to express his new life as a legend.
He then stops in place as an important document magically comes from his pocket. He quietly opens the form and is struck in shock and anger by the words open it.
Death opens his bag of seeds with anticipation, he just can’t wait any longer.
With a low angle shot of Thomas’s feet, see him walk at a fast pace towards the garden door.
As Death is now about to plant his first seed. He drops the seed in the hole as if to resemble a body being thrown into a grave. But as the seed falls, Thomas suddenly appears in front of his father.
Son? What are you....
Sorry dad but it is as you said... There are rules, and you broke them... how dare you, how dare you trick me, your own son.
Thomas with anger and vengeance in his eyes rases his guitar in hand like a baseball player about to make a home run.
People die everyday
A shocked and terrified Death closes him eye as he knows he was about to meet his end.
... Shit
A huge BANG of the guitar can be heard as the last shot is of the sand timers bottom half with writing saying “Made in China”

Sunday 12 October 2014

The Budapest Hotel Review

The Grand Budapest Hotel
Directed by Wes Anderson

Staring - Ralph Fiennes, Tony Revolori, Jude Law, and F. Murray Abraham


Supporting Cast - Mathieu Amalric, Adrien Broody, Jude Law, Bill Murray, Owen Wilson, Willem Dafoe, Jeff Goldblum, Harvey Kaitel, Edward Norton, Saoirse Ronan, Jason Schwartzman, Rob Balaban, Fisher Stevens, Wallace Wolodarkky.

Story - A tale is told of a man named Gustave H, a famous concierge at a well known hotel from the fictional Republic of Zubrowka between the first and second World Wars, and of a young lobby boy who becomes his most trusted friend and companion.

My personal thoughts:

Well… where do I begin? The cast… Holly cow there is a lot to go though, and in my opinion they all played their parts very well indeed.
Ralph Fiennes was an absolute delight to see as his role of Gustave H in this film. He plays a hard working man as well as a polite poet all at the same time, to me that takes a lot of work into a character so versatile.
Also I have to imagine the work it must of taken to get the other cast members together and some are quite top notch actors as well. I mean Bill Murray, Adrien Brody, Mathieu Amalric, wow even the cover of the BluRay I got should say it all.

But I am probably getting too ahead of myself with the cast, what about the story?

Inspired by the writings of:
Stefan Zweig

Story by:
Wes Anderson and Hugo Guinness

Well The Grand Budapest Hotel is run by Gustave H, and he befriends a new employed Lobby Boy named Zero and together they are heard of a passing by a woman who Gustave H has had relations with in the past. They then find out her family owns one of the most expensive paintings in the world entitled "Boy With Apple", and in her will and testament she hands the painting over to him but her son is outraged and demands the painting go to him. So he presses charges on Gustave H for the murder of his mother and an epic struggle for survival to waged for Gustave H to clear his name and with the help of Zero steal "Boy With Apple".

I can't get enough of the fact that I have found a wonderful gem and now one of my top 10 films on my list. The comedic parts for me were hit spot on and the moment where Gustave H and Zero are chasing Willem Dafoe's charter down a giant snow hill was for me, a crack up, I couldn't stop laughing.

But what I love most about this film is that the way it was shot. In the beginning of the film it is in a wide screen modern day setting and when it comes to telling the tale of Gustave H the screen shortens and the film is shot in a classic sort of way meaning, less panning shots and more still shots signifying that this is the past.  To me, this is a great way to show the evolution in film and how it is made.

here are some examples:

Modern Day

The Past

For those who haven't scene this film I do encourage you to watch it, it is funny, light hearted at times and definitely up the ally for those with a dark sense of humour.

My rating for The Grand Budapest Hotel: 

9 / 10

For great characters and casting, a fantastic music score soundtrack by Alexandre Desplat, the beautiful Cinematography by Robert D. Yeoman and it is an adventure all the way though I just loved it.

Sunday 5 October 2014

How To Train Your Dragon 2 Review

Teminator 2, Die Hard 2 and 3, Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey, Blade II, Back To The Future Part III, Toy Story 2, The Dark Knight, Superman II, X2, Desperado, Addams Family Values….. these are sequels, sequels that been placed in film history and reviewed and all have one thing in common, THEY, WERE, GOOD sequels. (In my opinion) 
On June 29th I saw a film, a kids film yes BUT hear me out, firstly what truly makes a good sequel?

1. Story 
A continuation from where the first one left off, time frame 5 years later, and introducing new things that have happen since the last film and how it develops all the way through. Did it make sense? YES, was it understandable? YES. CHECK

2. Characters  
One word, DEVELOPMENT! the characters in this film where aged up, they acted more mature and they were likeable for who they are and what is going on in their daily lives, which has changed and it shows how they adapted to that change. Their dialogues was understandable and made sense. and the chemistry between the main hero and the other characters especially his family were in my opinion spot on, beautiful. The Villain, very mysterious and very dominant. His intentions on why he was evil were explained not as well as I had hoped but still they were somewhat understandable. CHECK

3. Music 
OMFG the soundtrack by John Powell was a great piece of soundtrack to listen to this film, in moments there was heroic and enthusiasm and then later on there were tears all around for the scenes with a more dramatic feel to it, genius all around and now I am going into iTunes  CHECK

4. Twists 
they were some various twists that will surprise you, won't say of course but still in films everyone loves a little twist to them. CHECK
Animation = A sight to behold, Dreamworks and their new style of animation software was put to very VERY good use, and a big respect to Simon Otto (Head of Character Animation - How To Train Your Dragon)
The characters looked amazing and very well built, and the textures on the dragons and especially the lighting in the sky scenes where as real as I thought it looked, plus the water textures were very well done as well. Truly well done. CHECK

HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON 2 is one of the best or as most THE best animated sequels I have ever seen, PLEASE I beg all of you. see this film, Most importantly before you guys rant on me, DON'T THINK OF IT AS A KIDS FILM! It is a cinematic adventure for all to enjoy, bring ya mums bring ya dads, bring your little offspring, your cousin's second girlfriend's former roommate.
I have truly not regretted setting up this film day with me and my beautiful and loyal companions 
This film will now going into my official film hall of sequels for years to come, Happy 20th Anniversary Dreamworks… 

Friday 3 October 2014

PROJECT 1 The Meeting (Daft 2)

Location setting example:

Rochester, somewhat dull, on a street (exterior)

From in inside it will look like a modern day house but for the son he will have musical instruments in certain places to give out the impression he wants to pursue a carrier in music.

There will even be a room where you will see a piano which I am thinking that the son could play as part of the opening sequence.


Actor 1 (Confirmed) - Son of Death

Ben Fleury

Ben always had a flare to him while he is acting, he can act depressed and serious when he needs to and also has a great sense of humour when it comes to comedy. Also being a huge disney fan he knows how to express his feelings more clearly on camera, sometimes when he isn't being filmed.

He leaped at the chance to be in one of my productions as soon as I explained my idea about Death and Terry Prachett he was immediately on board for the project.

Actor 2 (Still in progress of contact and confirmation) - Death

Dave Turner

I have known Dave for quite a while and I have seen how well he can act. From his pantomimes playing a transgender character e.g. an Ugly Step Sister (Cinderella) and then playing a old posh Lord of a rich family in Carry On Murdering. He has done a large amount of Theatre and even though he is a teacher, people say he is at his best when he is acting.

But what I liked about Dave which got me thinking.... I think he can do this, is the fact he has quite a dark sense of humour as well. I even know for a fact one of his favourite films is "Clue" (1985) which if you have seen it, is full of darkish humour as it makes fun of a huge murder mystery like playing the game Cluedo which the film was based on.

Dave has the right amount of build I need for this father character as well as having that right amount of flare for Death,  I hope he will accept my proposal as I think he is just right for this character.

Some Things Change...

What I decided to change:
The story of the farther begging his son to take his job and then killing someone so that his son can have the life he has always wanted got a little complicated for me as well as my peers who were reading my idea.

So I decided to change my story by making the son agree to take his dad's place as an act of sympathy and his dad gets to live the rest of his now mortal life doing what he always loved, floristry/ gardening.

But as a twist of dark comedy the first person on the new Death's hit list is in fact his dad. The son finishes his dad off to get revenge for having his life taken from him thus ending his dad's life. But the son will do it in a cheeky manner so that comedy flare will still have it's place in the film.

For characters I decided to change Death's appearance, instead of a halloween mark of a skull I was thinking maybe standard make up e.g. whitish for the face and maybe or darker around the eyes

Living with Death. Is that even possible? Find out how one choice can make all the difference when The Reaper's Son makes the ultimate sacrifice.