Sunday 5 October 2014

How To Train Your Dragon 2 Review

Teminator 2, Die Hard 2 and 3, Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey, Blade II, Back To The Future Part III, Toy Story 2, The Dark Knight, Superman II, X2, Desperado, Addams Family Values….. these are sequels, sequels that been placed in film history and reviewed and all have one thing in common, THEY, WERE, GOOD sequels. (In my opinion) 
On June 29th I saw a film, a kids film yes BUT hear me out, firstly what truly makes a good sequel?

1. Story 
A continuation from where the first one left off, time frame 5 years later, and introducing new things that have happen since the last film and how it develops all the way through. Did it make sense? YES, was it understandable? YES. CHECK

2. Characters  
One word, DEVELOPMENT! the characters in this film where aged up, they acted more mature and they were likeable for who they are and what is going on in their daily lives, which has changed and it shows how they adapted to that change. Their dialogues was understandable and made sense. and the chemistry between the main hero and the other characters especially his family were in my opinion spot on, beautiful. The Villain, very mysterious and very dominant. His intentions on why he was evil were explained not as well as I had hoped but still they were somewhat understandable. CHECK

3. Music 
OMFG the soundtrack by John Powell was a great piece of soundtrack to listen to this film, in moments there was heroic and enthusiasm and then later on there were tears all around for the scenes with a more dramatic feel to it, genius all around and now I am going into iTunes  CHECK

4. Twists 
they were some various twists that will surprise you, won't say of course but still in films everyone loves a little twist to them. CHECK
Animation = A sight to behold, Dreamworks and their new style of animation software was put to very VERY good use, and a big respect to Simon Otto (Head of Character Animation - How To Train Your Dragon)
The characters looked amazing and very well built, and the textures on the dragons and especially the lighting in the sky scenes where as real as I thought it looked, plus the water textures were very well done as well. Truly well done. CHECK

HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON 2 is one of the best or as most THE best animated sequels I have ever seen, PLEASE I beg all of you. see this film, Most importantly before you guys rant on me, DON'T THINK OF IT AS A KIDS FILM! It is a cinematic adventure for all to enjoy, bring ya mums bring ya dads, bring your little offspring, your cousin's second girlfriend's former roommate.
I have truly not regretted setting up this film day with me and my beautiful and loyal companions 
This film will now going into my official film hall of sequels for years to come, Happy 20th Anniversary Dreamworks… 

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