Friday 2 October 2015

Research and Development Journal 02/10/15 (Fiction Adaptation Breif part 1)

With this brief the first thing to address is, what exactly is Fiction Adaptation?

By definition it is a genre of creative literature, film, drama or any other aspects of articular media that is imagined, and not entirely based upon fact.

It's the workings of adapting written text and applying it to the screen weather it be big or small. That is why we were asked to choose a poem and using this method create a short film (3 - 5 minutes) based on that particular poem.

As a film maker I have to look at the text for clues and use my imagination to visualize what I can do with the poem and create something original.

when it came to turning a piece of written poetic text into a piece of film, I remember doing something similar when I was in college. We where told to choose any poem and make a short film on it, although I may ad been very inexperienced when it came to adapting text and interpreting it but this was part of my earlier work.

The poem was called sunshine and I filmed it with my sister Kaye and I read the poem out loud and did not use text in the video:

Knowing I did this I decided to take notes after watching my old piece of work to mark down what I was going to do differently in my new brief:
  • Use Text to show more of the poem being used in the film
  • Maybe use of animation?
  • Using the art of moving picture to tell more of the story surrounding the poem 
  • Maybe use one location that best describes the whole poem
Next came choosing my new poem to adapt, and there was so many to choices and some were really power, funny, creative sometimes it was hard to choose between 2 of them.
But finally I decided to choose a poem written by Anthony Anaxagorou titled "Broken Shells" the poem (as I can intemperate from it)  is about this man writing about his childhood within a poem his writing about the truth and resembling it as a single egg.  A boiled egg is like the truth as it is described in the poem, "The Contents is soft and sensitive some can handle it" (Anaxagorou, 2011) to me it's saying that the truth can be quite hamful when telling it the wrong way. Treat it softly and the tuth or (the egg) will be in tact and enjoyable to eat. But when approached the wrong way egg can be damaged and the tuth would be broken and possibly turned into a lie.

As the poem develops he comes across a young boy who sit beside him and is asked to finish his poem for him but as the boy is writing the man sees that the handwriting is in fact similar to his own. Saying that the man remembers his previous love partner and she would always boil him an egg every Sunday, the boy uses the egg metaphor and then finishes the poem by saying that his mum always boiled him an egg and that he never knew his father. So I believe there is a twist, the man writing the poem is in fact the farther of the young boy.

Here is the full poem "Broken Shells":


1 comment:

  1. Good analysis of the poem and exploration of the brief, just make sure you write it in a more report-like form with sub-headings and bullet points rather than prose.
