Wednesday 25 November 2015

Research and Development Journal 24/11/2015 (Fiction Adaptation Film - Deveopment) Day 1

Day 1 -

For the main part of this week research is why I chose Riverside Country Park as one of my locations.

  • The old rusty broken down boat
I wanted this in my film to show symbolism of life which in some terms is what I thought the poem was all about, especially at the beginning. The boat is rusty, old and not doing it's job anymore, I had a thought on what if machines have feelings? This boat (back in the day) I imagined what it was like back in the day when it was young, brand new and had a purpose by helping people crossing the water.  But now it's rusted and abandoned  and my character comes to this boat and measures it like as the poem says "You weren't made just to die".
  • The Power plant 
At Riverside at a distance you can see a massive power plant that I wanted to represent the power and corruption of men and how it's destroying our planet as it's described in the poem.

I had planned todo the beginning of the poem with my main character going to a old broken boat on a beach to then look at a power plant in the distance in resemblance to the corruption of power by men and the boat being the symbolism of human life.

Even I have to admit luck was on my side as the weather was beautiful and some of my shots came out even better then I originally thought.

As planned I used the 50 frames per second function on my Nikon D5200 so that when I put it into editing I could slow the footage down so it would look more dramatic yet smooth at the same time.
My actor John Redding did a fantastic first job and what relieves me the most is that there are some actors that directors can't work with daily because of their attitudes but me and john got along like a house on fire.
What I didn't know was that John is in fact a part time comedian and thats why as he read my poem he was loud, passionate and clear.

A successful first day recording the only issue was that when I contacted the Kent Film Office they told me that a track and dolly was not aloud on location so some of my vision was changed and I had to wing it with most of the time I had while on location.

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