Wednesday 27 January 2016

Research and Development Journal 26/01/2016 (Studio Production Job Role/ Research)

Job Role: VT Director

Like a director, my role involves making videos for what called a VT or (Video Tape). In television normally when a show starts of live in the studio, would then eventually cut to a VT showing something related to the show.

For example if it were a game show the VT could include a showing of the studio and an explanation on the game that would be a VT. The One Show is a good example as it's shows a live recording of the studio and then would often cut to a VT of a certain issue or segment they would be talking about. They would pander to a screen and then play the VT that has already been recorded and edited ready to play on the show.

Workshop Project:

Our workshop project is basically a test to film and edit one of our VTs being prepared to be transmitted as if it was a live show being recorded.

In my team we came up with an idea about Rochester Castle for not only for the practice VT but also to help us with our actual show regarding a section on history which the contestants will have to answer.

For this idea my team researched into any stories that Rochester Castle had, and we found out about the legend of the Lady in White

The story goes that a beautiful woman by the name of Lady Blanche de Warenne was shot in the heart by an arrow at the top of the castle and fell to her death and her ghost is roaming to this day.

The plan is to record by Rochester Castle and have a presenter talk a historical fact about the story and for comedy have someone dressed as the White Lady and scare him/ her.

Monday 25 January 2016

Research and Development Journal 25/01/2016 (Studio Production - Pitch and Presentation)

On the 18th of January 2016 it was time to pitch my studio idea. For my pitch and presentation, I decided to use my game show idea and developed it enough to make the panel know that it was doable.

The game show was based on the DC VS Marvel, geeky panel quiz show. The presentation went better than I anticipated and I was prepared to surrender anything that could my show a reality but I had to show confidence and work with the panelists.


End Result:

The panelists especially Simon said that they were impressed by he way I pitched my idea to them. I feel that I timed by presentation almost perfectly when it came to my 10 minute slot. Although the only thing that set me back was the channel research s I feel my show could have belonged to an another channel.
But apart from that I delivered my research and idea clearly which I am relived about, and knowing that the panel understood my vision as well was a goal well achieved for me as I sometimes muddle up what I say and loose track of the main point which often confuses people.


Dave Homepage (2016) [Online] At: (Accessed on 15/01/2016)

ITV2 Homepage (2016) [Online] At: (Accessed on 15/01/2016)

Challenge Homepage (2016) [Online] At:  (Accessed on 15/01/2016)


Thursday 21 January 2016

Research and Development Journal 21/01/2016 (Studio Director Research)

    The role of the Studio/ Gallery Director:

    Generally the role involves:
  • Making Sure everyone on the crew team are doing their jobs and understanding the project, making sure that everyone is one the same page.
  • A visual idea of the show/ project and working closely with the producer.
  • Ensuring all briefs are dispatched in the studio based on individuals strengths and skills
  • Creating a workflow structure
  • Reviewing daily work schedules of the creative department
  • Ensuring work is delivered on deadline
  • Compiling studio schedules for the crew
  • Updating studio schedules regularly to keep the team up to date on progress and changes
  • Dispatching workload
  • Managing annual leave of employees and finally resource management across both freelance and perm.

  • Not to panic – When something goes wrong the director must keep his/ her cool. If the director panics, then the whole team panics and something is likely to go wrong.
  • Communication skills
  • Professional organisational skills
  • Advanced knowledge of studio software
  • Proven leadership skills and ability to meet deadlines in a stressful environment
  • Motivate a team with a wide variety of skill sets.
  • He/she must also be able to think outside the box, have a high attention to detail and possess problem-solving skills.


Derek Livesey, Studio Director, BBC (2012) [Online] At: (Accessed on 21/01/2016)


Monday 11 January 2016

Research and Develpment 11/01/2016 (Studio Production - Idea Development)

Geek or Unique 

How will it work:
This will be a comic con special with two opposing teams each with three/ four people, and they will all be dressed up in the theme of their comic franchise. One side being on the side of DC Comics and the other side representing Marvel, competing for pride and not having the chance to not get humiliated on national TV.

Categories -  Round 1

Enemy Territory -

One team have to answer a hard question about the opposite teams franchise for extra points. But the twist is that the other team could have a chance to win those extra points if the enemy team get the question wrong and then they answer correctly. Or both teams could get the question wrong and no point will be given, so anything could happen.

Secret Identity - 

Where the contestants are asked questions around the backgrounds behind their favorite characters.

There would be descriptions of the character on screen (Or the host would have to read them out) and the lest descriptions that are said the more points are rewarded for the contestants as soon as they know who this character is.

Phoney or Fiction  -

A round of True or False, where the widest questions would be asked to catch out the contestants.


D.C -

Batman had a cow for a sidekick his name was Batcow (True or False)
Answer – True

Superman once had a 5th dimensional being who liked to play pranks on him (True or False)
Answer – True (His name was Mr. Mxyztplk)

Marvel -

Ironman quote:
“You look like you could use some solid dick from an Iron-man” (True or False)
Answer - True

Captain America was once a Werewolf (True or False)
Answer - True

The Contestants will be given a multiple choice answer while they have to answer the quote from a movie that a comic character is from.

Round 2 - The Face off

Each team must choose one person to represent them in the final game. Who ever is last place must choose the final game in a choice of these categories.

Anything for the fans

With the concept of "Shipping" (When a fan thinks one super hero/ villain should date or be together with another hero or villain) a survey of fans will take place before the show and reveal the names of the people that they deemed were the most deserving couple. The contestants must lock in their answer and the answer with the most votes is the winner.

Art From The Heart To The Bank

Using 4 types of fan art of comic characters that have been auctioned or sold, the contestants must work out and order the pictures from least to most expensive.

I Really Like You

4 Pictures of Cosplayers in their costumes and the contestants must find out which one of these pictures got the most likes on social media.


Shooting Stars

Shooting Stars 2015. [Image] At: (Accessed on 12/01/2015)

The celebrity quiz show filled with laughs and absolute madness with the hosts of Vic Reeves and Bob Mortimer. I got inspiration from this show because of it's quirky and fun ways to tell jokes as well as asking questions.

This show also gave a good idea of what my presenter could be like...

  • Fun
  • Loud 
  • Cleaver
  • Cheeky 

Youtuber Crabstickz with his studio panel quiz show I Can't Even:

I Can't Even - Presented by Crabstickz (2013). [Screenshot] At: (Accessed on 12/01/2015).

This show tackled things that are geek such as Sci-Fi shows, comics, video games and turns it all into a funny quiz show. With a funny and awkward host (Chris Kendall) aka Crabstickz on Youtube, he delivers a weird delivery that makes the studio audience enjoy the show.

I Can't Even (2013). At: (Accessed on 12/01/2015).

What also caught my eye to this show is how not only the host but the contestants are all dressed up to make the show stand out even more. Also the set and background were all colourful representing the colourful comics, humour, and the energy of the show as well.

Here is the full show:

I Can't Even: Geek week Special! [Online] Youtube. (2013) 20 mins 25 secs At: (Accessed on 12/01/2015).

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Research and Development Journal 05/01/2016 (Studio Production Ideas)

Reflection from the last show:

What You Sayin'? Hosted my Jamie Terry

What You Sayin'? Logo. [Online] At: (Accessed on 05/01/2016)

This was a studio production made by the previous 2nd year students and some of the 1st year student one being yours truly were made to be runners to help the crew with the set and the production.

Getting to observe really helped me know what we were going to get ourselves into when it came to do my groups show in the future.

The format they had was a talk show based around pop culture and their set branding were all mobile, computer and internet related and they needed a young and well acted presenter, which is when Jammie Terry comes in.

Jamie Terry. [Online]  At: (Accessed on 05/01/2016)

What I leaned from the show:
  • How to operate a Jib for an introduction and how to end the show.
  • Team Work is a must for any studio production.
  • A clever ways to introduce a VT when during a show.
  • How to make your show stand out.
  • How to grip the audience and to keep them engaged.

The Ideas

Idea 1 

Freelance artists and graphic designers showing off their work to public and their growing online businesses. In the studios there will be interviews and the designers telling their stories and what their business means tot hem and how it helps people and from their work what have they achieved.  


  • Basement to Business 


  • Talk Show

The Channel:

  • ITV 


  • ITV Studios

Target Audience:

  • 16 – 30

Schedule time:

  • 17:30 – 18:00

Idea 2

A blooper show with a twist, the footage provided are by film students. The bloopers shown will have a story behind each one. The aim of the show is providing other film students the heath and safety and advice on making their productions hence the slogan, "They Made The Mistakes So You Wont Have To".

  • The Channel / broadcaster / target audience / schedule

  • Talk Show


  • Take 2/ Movie Plan-It/ MisTake


  • They made the mistakes so you won't have to

The Channel:

  • BBC/ ITV


  • BBC Studios/ ITV Studios

Target Audience:

  •  15 - 25


  • 21:00 - 21:30 


Idea 1 -

Idea 2 -

I got this idea from a show called It Will Be Alright On The Night.

It'll be Alright on the Night. [Image] At: (Accessed on 05/01/2016)

This shows concept is bloopers but from television in general, news, TV shows, politics, and sport. Anything blooper related and funny they will show them in a specific order weather it be new anchor men forgetting their lines, people fulling over, and mistakes that shouldn't of happened.

Another Show aimed at just blooper home videos is You've Been Framed.

You've Been Framed. [Image] At: (Accessed on 05/01/2016)

This show is targeted more for families and is centered around videos being brought into the show. It's almost like the audience themselves are also the stars of the show which makes this program stand out.