Tuesday 5 January 2016

Research and Development Journal 05/01/2016 (Studio Production Ideas)

Reflection from the last show:

What You Sayin'? Hosted my Jamie Terry

What You Sayin'? Logo. [Online] At: https://vimeo.com/128862048 (Accessed on 05/01/2016)

This was a studio production made by the previous 2nd year students and some of the 1st year student one being yours truly were made to be runners to help the crew with the set and the production.

Getting to observe really helped me know what we were going to get ourselves into when it came to do my groups show in the future.

The format they had was a talk show based around pop culture and their set branding were all mobile, computer and internet related and they needed a young and well acted presenter, which is when Jammie Terry comes in.

Jamie Terry. [Online]  At: https://vimeo.com/128862048 (Accessed on 05/01/2016)

What I leaned from the show:
  • How to operate a Jib for an introduction and how to end the show.
  • Team Work is a must for any studio production.
  • A clever ways to introduce a VT when during a show.
  • How to make your show stand out.
  • How to grip the audience and to keep them engaged.

The Ideas

Idea 1 

Freelance artists and graphic designers showing off their work to public and their growing online businesses. In the studios there will be interviews and the designers telling their stories and what their business means tot hem and how it helps people and from their work what have they achieved.  


  • Basement to Business 


  • Talk Show

The Channel:

  • ITV 


  • ITV Studios

Target Audience:

  • 16 – 30

Schedule time:

  • 17:30 – 18:00

Idea 2

A blooper show with a twist, the footage provided are by film students. The bloopers shown will have a story behind each one. The aim of the show is providing other film students the heath and safety and advice on making their productions hence the slogan, "They Made The Mistakes So You Wont Have To".

  • The Channel / broadcaster / target audience / schedule

  • Talk Show


  • Take 2/ Movie Plan-It/ MisTake


  • They made the mistakes so you won't have to

The Channel:

  • BBC/ ITV


  • BBC Studios/ ITV Studios

Target Audience:

  •  15 - 25


  • 21:00 - 21:30 


Idea 1 -

Idea 2 -

I got this idea from a show called It Will Be Alright On The Night.

It'll be Alright on the Night. [Image] At: http://www.itv.com/presscentre/ep1week53/all-new-itll-be-alright-night (Accessed on 05/01/2016)

This shows concept is bloopers but from television in general, news, TV shows, politics, and sport. Anything blooper related and funny they will show them in a specific order weather it be new anchor men forgetting their lines, people fulling over, and mistakes that shouldn't of happened.

Another Show aimed at just blooper home videos is You've Been Framed.

You've Been Framed. [Image] At: http://shows.stv.tv/talk-tv/280528-how-to-upload-your-video-to-youve-been-framed/ (Accessed on 05/01/2016)

This show is targeted more for families and is centered around videos being brought into the show. It's almost like the audience themselves are also the stars of the show which makes this program stand out.

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