Monday 25 January 2016

Research and Development Journal 25/01/2016 (Studio Production - Pitch and Presentation)

On the 18th of January 2016 it was time to pitch my studio idea. For my pitch and presentation, I decided to use my game show idea and developed it enough to make the panel know that it was doable.

The game show was based on the DC VS Marvel, geeky panel quiz show. The presentation went better than I anticipated and I was prepared to surrender anything that could my show a reality but I had to show confidence and work with the panelists.


End Result:

The panelists especially Simon said that they were impressed by he way I pitched my idea to them. I feel that I timed by presentation almost perfectly when it came to my 10 minute slot. Although the only thing that set me back was the channel research s I feel my show could have belonged to an another channel.
But apart from that I delivered my research and idea clearly which I am relived about, and knowing that the panel understood my vision as well was a goal well achieved for me as I sometimes muddle up what I say and loose track of the main point which often confuses people.


Dave Homepage (2016) [Online] At: (Accessed on 15/01/2016)

ITV2 Homepage (2016) [Online] At: (Accessed on 15/01/2016)

Challenge Homepage (2016) [Online] At:  (Accessed on 15/01/2016)



  1. This is good but remember to show your research through the journal - not just by providing links but by taking the information and showing how you have used it. What content did you watch to inform your own? Make sure you make the journal count and show a trail of evidence for all of your work.

  2. Show your findings and conclusions from material you research
