Monday 11 January 2016

Research and Develpment 11/01/2016 (Studio Production - Idea Development)

Geek or Unique 

How will it work:
This will be a comic con special with two opposing teams each with three/ four people, and they will all be dressed up in the theme of their comic franchise. One side being on the side of DC Comics and the other side representing Marvel, competing for pride and not having the chance to not get humiliated on national TV.

Categories -  Round 1

Enemy Territory -

One team have to answer a hard question about the opposite teams franchise for extra points. But the twist is that the other team could have a chance to win those extra points if the enemy team get the question wrong and then they answer correctly. Or both teams could get the question wrong and no point will be given, so anything could happen.

Secret Identity - 

Where the contestants are asked questions around the backgrounds behind their favorite characters.

There would be descriptions of the character on screen (Or the host would have to read them out) and the lest descriptions that are said the more points are rewarded for the contestants as soon as they know who this character is.

Phoney or Fiction  -

A round of True or False, where the widest questions would be asked to catch out the contestants.


D.C -

Batman had a cow for a sidekick his name was Batcow (True or False)
Answer – True

Superman once had a 5th dimensional being who liked to play pranks on him (True or False)
Answer – True (His name was Mr. Mxyztplk)

Marvel -

Ironman quote:
“You look like you could use some solid dick from an Iron-man” (True or False)
Answer - True

Captain America was once a Werewolf (True or False)
Answer - True

The Contestants will be given a multiple choice answer while they have to answer the quote from a movie that a comic character is from.

Round 2 - The Face off

Each team must choose one person to represent them in the final game. Who ever is last place must choose the final game in a choice of these categories.

Anything for the fans

With the concept of "Shipping" (When a fan thinks one super hero/ villain should date or be together with another hero or villain) a survey of fans will take place before the show and reveal the names of the people that they deemed were the most deserving couple. The contestants must lock in their answer and the answer with the most votes is the winner.

Art From The Heart To The Bank

Using 4 types of fan art of comic characters that have been auctioned or sold, the contestants must work out and order the pictures from least to most expensive.

I Really Like You

4 Pictures of Cosplayers in their costumes and the contestants must find out which one of these pictures got the most likes on social media.


Shooting Stars

Shooting Stars 2015. [Image] At: (Accessed on 12/01/2015)

The celebrity quiz show filled with laughs and absolute madness with the hosts of Vic Reeves and Bob Mortimer. I got inspiration from this show because of it's quirky and fun ways to tell jokes as well as asking questions.

This show also gave a good idea of what my presenter could be like...

  • Fun
  • Loud 
  • Cleaver
  • Cheeky 

Youtuber Crabstickz with his studio panel quiz show I Can't Even:

I Can't Even - Presented by Crabstickz (2013). [Screenshot] At: (Accessed on 12/01/2015).

This show tackled things that are geek such as Sci-Fi shows, comics, video games and turns it all into a funny quiz show. With a funny and awkward host (Chris Kendall) aka Crabstickz on Youtube, he delivers a weird delivery that makes the studio audience enjoy the show.

I Can't Even (2013). At: (Accessed on 12/01/2015).

What also caught my eye to this show is how not only the host but the contestants are all dressed up to make the show stand out even more. Also the set and background were all colourful representing the colourful comics, humour, and the energy of the show as well.

Here is the full show:

I Can't Even: Geek week Special! [Online] Youtube. (2013) 20 mins 25 secs At: (Accessed on 12/01/2015).

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