Sunday 28 September 2014

PROJECT 1 The Meeting (draft 1)

It all starts with an idea (Inception, 2010)

Idea First Draft – Meeting (Responsibility)

My inspiration:
I always liked a magical story; to me it is full of great characters as well as a story that mainly involves a villain’s plan to gain power to control or take over the world. While in the process, stopping main protagonist (the heroes) to achieve their goal in stopping him.
This comes to one of my favourite authors, Sir Terry Pratchett, the man behind the ‘Disc World’, a series of magical books full of wonder and mystical characters. One of which is Death himself as a character, which I always found fascinating.

I liked the image of Death as I feel that this character inflicts the most drama and engages the audience to know what is this thing going to do? Kill a character they grew attached with, communicate with other characters increasing some dialogue as well as the plot, or… Could he be seeing a family? HIS family, like in The Disc World books.

I thought of an idea that death has a family but this Death is NOT the original Death he is the son, of a son, of a son, in other words there is a Death family cycle. But there is a law, and every generation of Death must be past on to another, meaning the “title of Death” will be moved from father to Son/ Daughter.

Which also means once the title of Death is past on, the one who currently had the title of Death will past on as well meaning the Father/ Mother will die so that his remaining life force will be past on to his son as per tradition to the law.
But of course I needed to know… How will these two characters meet? The father (the current Death) and his son.

Genre: Thriller and Comedy

My 2 characters:

Death - Farther figure, modern day, weapon (Pitchfork), low and quite threatening voice but still speaks like he is a modern dad.

The son of the pervious Death with a life dream of becoming a gardener but his responsibilities as being the new Death took his dream away from him and now he must do the same to his son and is finding it hard to convince him.

His Son – Young adult, innocent, hardworking, dark personality, student.

The son of the current Death who dreams of being a musician but now has to deal with “the talk” from his father about becoming the new Death, thus meeting him at his rented house for University to discuss the matter in person and he is not looking forward to it.

Suspense arrives in the form of Death in this tale of meeting responsibility as Death must now convince his own son to inherit his title.

The Goal:
Death must convince his son to become the new Death carry on the tradition of the family as well as obeying the laws of balance within humanity.

The son wants to be his own man and wants to live his own life and not his father’s.

The change:
The dad “changes” his mind and allows his son to choose his own path by reviving a deceit human and giving the title of Death to him/ her (forcefully) thus breaking the laws of balance and his soul is sent to hell because of his act.
But it gives his son the life he chooses as well as restoring the balance of humanity.

Script Pages:

They meet

They argue

The father tries to convince him yet he still thinks as a father to try and see his son prospective

The son tries to end argument and gets father out of the house

Father is out of house sees dead person and revives him thus giving what his son wants and restoring the balance of humanity. Even though his soul is now in a terrible place because he broke the law.

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