Sunday 2 November 2014

Camera Workshop (Final Exercise) Tuesday 28th of October 2014.

Before our final exercise we were taught about "Risk Assessments" and these are crucial to our work of film making. Risk Assessments are necessary to help set the location and asses it so you know it is ok to film on that particular location, weather it be your own house, a field, bleach, street, anywhere, you must make sure that all treats around that location are dealt with so your actors and equipment can be safe while your filming.

Here is an example that we did in our session with Fergus:

For our last exercise my peers and me went outside and was told to record anything that we can edit together weather it be the background or shooting the simplest things to tell a story using our groups.

I decided to use this area to my advantage and shot something simple but yet it tells a story, and it is simply called "Hide and Seek" and using 2 of my peers to help this is how it turned out…

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