Friday 21 November 2014

The Meeting - Feedback and Fine cut edit

Simon's Feedback from Rough Cut ext of The Meeting:

Simon seemed really impressed with my first project and was quite hooked and said, "This makes me want to watch the whole thing" which was, to me, very good to head as that is what I wanted to show as I was editing. Making people excited and interested to see what happens next.
But that didn't mean there was some changes to make, which I was prepared for, nothing turns out perfect on the first try sometimes, it's like a driving theory test.

Simon gave me some editing changes for the fine cut:
  • The title needed to have "The First 2 Minutes" underneath "The Meeting" title.
  • The credits had to be moved to the very end of the video.
  • When the rain sound effects come into the interior scenes the sound needed to be dimmer.
  • The scene where on of my main characters is introduced (Thomas) there is a slight moment where you see his guitar by his bed. I needed to cut that part out and put in something else. But keep the ending shot when the camera pans to see him go downstairs as it seemed more dramatic.   
  • Also the bingeing needed to have some build up and it didn't matter about getting it exactly two minutes.
  • The title needed to have some changes so the main title "The Meeting" would have different text to "The First 2 Minutes"
I set to work and here is the end result:

Fine Cut Edit Video:

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