Saturday 21 March 2015

Documentary update

New name:
Finding Home (to be confirmed)

New edge:
To tell the audience throughout inauguration that even though they are any from home and may get adjusted to living here then in Bulgaria, some people would want to go back but even when they do, they feel that their would still be something missing in a sense of find ones true home.


The school has kids up to year 6 which mean 10 - 12 year olds

There are adult groups as well which do activities such as dancing, which means there could be a lot of coverage to receive from this place we're going to be filming in.

Thomas Aveling School - Rochester

This is one of our location where the filming will take place. THe location itself has a very nice atmosphere to it. One of the Bulgarian tutors already gave Plamen and myself the permission to film within the location and she recommended that we both should be prepared to tackle with some of the parents about filming some of their children.

Here are some pictures of the school:

Story so far:

Plamen will be interviewing Bulgarian youngsters as well as be in the documentary himself as one of the characters.

It will start with him calling his dad on Skye and having a non scripted conversation with him. Telling his dad the discovery of this school Plamen goes on a journey to find out where his home truly lies, either here in the UK or back to Bulgaria.

At the end Pleman and I thought it would be great if someone in the adult class would be going to Bulgaria within a short amount of time. That way we could get more coverage as well as a another point of view of a character that is going back home and how they are feeling about that.

It will be powerful yet informative to see. Some of it will probably be subtitled as some of the interviews and conversations commence. But with a British audience as our target there will be aspects of brittish culture that will hopefully keep our audience engaged.

1 comment:

  1. Remember to evidence your methodology here - how did you find this school? Research needs evidencing through your blog
