Monday 9 March 2015

Is Structured Reality Corrupting Documentary? (Thoughts and refections)

The Podcast:

Thoughts and Reflections:
I have to admit for the first few minutes where very funny say that reality documentary is growing in popularity but some of the hosts from the panel and most members of the audience don't even like it at all.

But it was interesting to hear that shows like these have documentary potential but for a television show, one of the hosts (Molly) say that it's not even seen as a documentary. The characters are funny she said and she sees a lot of potential for them but she finds that the way they are represented and acted and set makes it all less documented and more reality even thought she doesn't want to even think about it as a show in itself.

But what was quite surpassing was when one of the Panel members asked the audience if The Only way is Essex was defined as "A Documentary" and most of the audience ember said yes. Which made a bigger question said "Then what IS Documentary?".

Plus it was an eye opener to the discussion when talking about how people think and act now days. Saying that because of the the way it is shot and lit as well as having these good looking rich classy people who are brave enough to be themselves in front of the camera means that everyone now wants to be famous. People re starting act the way they do because they want fame, and then to keep it. I was no surprise that one of the female panel members said "Fame is becoming a problem, a curse". In someways it's true, many people or celebrities would now do anything just to have more fame then they already have.

Like Justin Beiber when that viral video appeared of him peeing in a bucket just for attention. Or from a
side of reality TV in America with 'Keeping up with the Kardashians', the family who became famous for……… well, being famous.

The panel podcast debate to me felt that it was laking in factual discussion then about how documentaries are changing and evolving. But in some ways I knew what they were saying, at some point reality structured TV does have some elements to documentary. But does that really mean as far to say that it has corrupted it? Some reality documentary shows to me are ridiculous mostly because the issues and stories involved are about the silliest things.

In the USA there is a TV reality  documentary show about women who compete on having the best……….. Wedding. To me, WHO FIGHTS OVER A PERSON'S OWN WEDDING?!?!?! The greatest day for both a committed man and woman who have made the decision to spend and cherish the rest of their lives together, but is ruined in my opinion by a huge fight all for a price at the end.

Sure a couple may win a price but someway I imagine some of those couples in the future, and their kids are going to say "so what was your wedding like mum?" Then the mum might show the kids the TV show she was on. Showing them how in secret interviews she talked back towards the other brides and then not winning the price at the end.

But mainly I see shows like this only in America, my mum likes to watch these types of shows all the time on her days off and thats how I see most of them. When I just hang out with her I see these shows about celebrities lives, competing to be the bitchyest prettiest girl, showing people celebrates houses and saying how expensive it is and how their lives are awesome compared to ours.

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