Saturday 7 March 2015

Missing Generation - Documentary Brief (The Idea)

In this new project I we are working in pairs, as in 2 people. I am partnered up with Plamen Domitrov, a classmate of mine who happens to be Bulgarian which makes him dry interesting to work with and not to mention his has a HUGE knowledge in film and directing.

This Documentary idea will involve the issues of immigration in England/ Europe. This will take mostly the Bulgarians. Some of Bulgarians move to England and this documentary will tell the powerful stories and life styles of these young 18 - 20 year old Bulgarians and how they have adjusted or finding trouble to adjust living away from home.

The title of this production will be called:

Lost Generation or  izgubeno pokolenie as translated into Bulgarian.

At the beginning of the idea Plamen got in touch with a local Bulgarian meet up group which he was going to track down and see if they would agree to get some interviews.

I was going to research more into Bulgarian culture as I admit I don't know much of, I especially wanted to research more into the more political side of Bulgaria as well.

We will be filming in mostly the Medway Area getting good coverage of the towns and places people socialise, maybe a place where most of our interviewers like to hang out some we can get a better understand of where they like to go and why they like a particular place.

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