Sunday 8 March 2015

Inside Out South 08/03/15 (Review)

First shown: 7.30pm 6 Mar 2015

Presented by:

Johnny Casciani

This show on BBC informs of not only about the coll calls people get and the scams that come from them, but also tells a story on immigrations in the UK and there was a little something about Bulgaria that caught my eye.

This story tells of the research made by Oxford University and how immigration has changed in numbers as well as our country together.

This show is very informative mostly because they deal with issues which are current and are happening now. In the second half of this episode, there was a segment about immigration in the UK which in my Documentary I am making with Plamen happens to be a little on immigration and the struggles that come with it.

The programme had some very useful information and percentages on the numbers of immigrates that come here either to live of to work here in the UK.

For example, for Bulgarian people, the restrictions getting jobs in the UK is now possible as the restrictions where lifted since January last year in 2014.

Also Boston in Linkinshire has the most new European immigrates and 10.6 % of them are born abroad in the new EU Countries. The population has estimated to have grown to 1200 new Eastern Europeans.

For the UK, since 2011, 171,000/ 55.1% of immigrants where born abroad in the London Borough of Brent. Estimated right now is was said that the population might have grown to over 181,000 in 2015, going up by 10,000.

Then the presenter often did these box pop questions about asking people where they where from and some of the answers where really surprising. There was Jamaican, Romanian, Polish, Lithuanian, then Indian, it was quite a count of how many different people from different countries come here and live here.

For me this was really an eye opener knowing how many people moved to our country and how many have made businesses, homes and have gotten work right here as well.

Almost in conclusion it can be easily said that our country is changing because of all of these immigrations and lots of people in Britain are starting see it.

1 comment:

  1. Somer good subject research here, but remember to also deconstruct and critically analyse the storytelling/filmmaking techniques used e.g use of characters, narrative, structure, sequences and actuality, story angle etc
