Sunday 21 February 2016

Research and Development Journal 18/02/2016 (VT Shooting Day)

Before we planned the actual shoot we made a location report on what could be done about Jess, Plamen, and Alex's place to make it look like a World War 2 Bomb Shelter/ Air Raid Shelter.

Our first practice shoot went well apart from one thing... The sound, there was absolutely no sound what so ever. As humans we learned from our mistakes and we keep moving forward and I wrote down in my notebook so I wouldn't forget, REMEMBER SOUND.

 My crew set up the environment of the shoot and made this short footage:

The feel of the piece was great it felt like an air raid was about to happen and people had to find shelter and quick.

The shooting day:

The day of the shooting came and I had to make sure that I got there early as I had to make sure I was curtain of the shots I was going to use and also to make sure I was comfortable in the fully built set we arranged for the World War 2 setting.

The actresses were absolutely fantastic as their chemistry were like if they were middle aged ladies living in the war and trying to get by with old fashioned humor. Their ascents were spot on and their actions were just right.

The only thing that went wrong was some of our technical difficulties. our camera started telling us that we had low voltage and we didn't know how to fix it and what was even worse is that the camera wouldn't stop making a noise until we fixed the problem. But as it turned out, the low voltage meant that we just had to recharge the battery and so with that in mind we plugged the battery to the recharge and then plugged the recharge station into a separate slot and hey presto we were back in business and were ready to continue filming once more.

The next then was the sound, at one point it just vanished. We had the microphone in the right channel on the camera but yet there was no sound, we couldn't figure out what had happened. Then we discovered a button on the side of the camera and found out that one of us must of accidentally hit that button and then the sound turned off. But as instinks led us we press the button and re programmed the channel and suddenly the sound was back, yet another problem solved and thank goodness it was the last one.

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