Tuesday 23 February 2016

Research and Development Journal 24/02/2016 (VT School Develppment)

On Monday the 29th of February I am set to direct my second VT Filmed at Greenfield  Community Primary School. I also had to make sure that our presenter for the piece will be good and ready when it comes to the script and actions she is prepared to do.

Our thoughts were that the teacher's pet (Tabitha) would be a spy, going tot he school and investigating the teachers who are getting prepared to participate in the show.
In order for this to work comedically, we had to film a private interviews between the children and Tabitha. The children would be giving their thoughts on their tutors. As children sometimes they can be unpredictable, so you have no idea what they could be thinking or what they could say which sometimes makes it cute and funny at the same time which some people love to see.

Coming up with a shot list was simple as the VT is only lasting for a minute and 15 seconds. Here is the draft of the shot list that I have made to show what will be happening on the day.

Shot List 1st Draft:

 List of what to do on Thursday the 25th on the location report:
  • Get to know the 2 contestants  (If found)
  • Get to know the kids
  • Pick about 5 of the kids to interview
  • Find a room for interviewing
  • Get consent forms for the tutors to give to the children's parents (Just in case)
  • Make sure to dress appropriately and act responsibly

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