Sunday 16 October 2016

Major Project Character development and back stories

Henry Javerson

Backstory: This 22 year old boy comes from a famous pride driven prestigious family with all of them holding degrees in certain talents. His mum is a judge and is driven to work beside her to earn her love and respect. When his mother was in a court room taking on a criminal Henry would often look into her court cases and see who she was up against. From the look of the criminals Henry wondered how on earth they would end up they way they are. So he took it upon himself to study Psychology to reform the criminal mind to help out his mother and become more of a helping set to his family.

Dr Harrison
A schooler at heart and high within the phycological arts and majored in rehabilitation, this man strives in teach the future generation on his profession. He works at the university and comes across the Destination while on a special trip to research and interview the people inside. Unfortunately due to an unfortunate encounter he is to scared and dramatised to go back there.

Mrs Dagmar

This woman funded and created The Destination as a sanctuary for people who are misunderstood and deemed crazy government targeted. She always believed that everyone act the way they do for a reason, they always deserve a second chance, even though if those people done some sinful things in their life. She is also a transvestite, so really she is a man but chose to become a woman for family reasons and of her own free will.

Backstory: In a backstory she had a wife who unfortunately passed away due to cancer leaving him with their one and only daughter Samantha. She became a woman help Sam get over the grief of loosing her mother and soon became comfortable and chose to remain a woman.

Sam Dagmar

Mrs Dagmar's daughter and care taker of The Destination, she is 20 years old. Studied and getting a diploma in human care she looks after the residents and people within The Destination. Cooking, cleaning (when she can), and even doing laundry, she makes sure that the house doesn't become a battleground when most of the time it does. She is quite sane in terms of her attitude, she remains calm and tends to be quite sarcastic, but then again who would when you have to deal with a bunch of crazy people on a daily basis.

Agnus McBurns

A gothic quiet girl who find comfort within the warmth of fire, matches and fire places seem to bring piece and tranquility from the angry and noisy world around her. She is age 15 and can't be reasoned with unless your place is on fire.

Backstory: Even since she was a little girl her parents constantly argued and her only escape was when one day she wanted to find something to occupy herself. After seeing every toy she had already played with she found something that caught her eye. Her mum's birthday wasn't too long ago and so she find on the floor a box of matches. After she lit her first match and seeing the flame she became more calm and found comfort when looking at the flame. That however led to setting her own house on fire. Barley escaping in time her parents saw her as a monster and sent her to The Destination until she was deemed sane once more, she has been there ever since.

Gregory  Smith aka Splotion

When first memorised the alphabet at age 2 he he became an absolute fanatic with the realms of science and technology. At 5 he was already in secondary school as his knowledge was extremely separated from the other children. By age 10 he was already working on government projects to change human society forever. Until one day he had a nervous breakdown and stated working so much that he because science mad, creating weapons of mass destruction, inner demential portals to other planets and more. As a result, the government deemed him to be too dangerous and by order of the court he was sent to The Destination where he was to calm down and be disciplined and not to do any more science experiments. The only thing he was aloud to keep was his pet octopus named Sebastian, his only friend in the world. He is now 16 years of age and has remained at The Destination ever since.


Backstory: As an orphan Dave has learned to survive on his own and has gotten into trouble so many times because of complicated things he didn't do. Many people saw him as a threat and has been accused time and time again, before then he started being more aggressive even his foster carers started to loose control of him. Eventually he got into fight after fight after fight until he was sentenced to The Destination and found by Mrs Dagmar where he remains at age 19 and somehow learns to control his temper before returning to society once more.

At a young age Cindy grew up in a hunted house with her family, she started hearing ghosts and before long she started seeing them too. Her family started to get worried to the point where they saw her get bullied at school for (apparently) talking to herself. Her tutors say she is totally in another world, her peers say she is almost constantly changing personalities. Before long they found The Destination and left her with Mrs Dagmar to help her come to terms of reality. Here she stays with her weird thoughts and her ghost friends at age 18, weighting for the day she is either cured or has control over her mind.

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