Friday 21 October 2016

Pre Production Unit Update - Characters and Story

House of Delinquents


This story is about someone who finds a way to start living an authentic life, free from the oppressive ideals of his upbringing.

Basically he has lived a life his parents have wanted and that their religious views have dictated.  I am hoping to show how that through exposure to others via the plot, he goes on to make choices about how he really wants to live his life.

The Jehovah's Witnesses and The Delinquents:

Henry Javerson
A Jehovahs Witness on a quest to convert the public to see the light of God, in his past his parents resented him for every sin he committed in his childhood. So to earn back the respect of his parents he became a Jehovahs Witness to redeem himself not only as a person but to earn the love of his parents. He comes upon the house of the Delinquents simply at the wrong time and ends up completely dramatised by what the house had to offer.

Kevin Porter
This 22 year old lives for 3 things, sex drugs and rock n roll. Cross this man, and it will be your last, he is strong and threatening if you even look at him wrong.

Derek Damons
The 20 year nerd with a passion for gaming, Dungeons and Dragons and any sci-fi flick thats on TV. He is Kevin's best friend and believes in world peace ever if it does mean mindless violence.

Agnus McBurns
A gothic lazy artist who can't give a damn about the world and what happens to it. She believes that her art represents the world in it's present state. Corrupted, Stupid, Media manipulating, and all around too sensitive. If you ask her to work she won't do it, she always believes in doing tasks at her own pace.

Robert Dickie

This young 17 year boy is the smart one of the group who actually does his homework. He often gets a bit of a beating from his housemates but he has his one and only friend in the world, his pet Octopus named Gary which he slipped past the University regulations and often roams the house playing tricks on the other housemates but only for fun.

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