Sunday 9 October 2016

My Cast expectations and Locations

There were already couple of people in mind for my cast for some of the parts in mind. They are mostly some people I have work with before and I amigo get them involved one last time for this creative project I am doing.

Some here are already some of the cast that I had in mind:

Henry - Ben Fleury

Mrs Dagmar - Dave Turner

As you can clearly see this guy can do it all, he is known for playing the woman role in any pantomime

Head Tutor Dr Harrison - John Reding

Classy, smart, funny, these qualities define John as well as this character. The reason I have chosen John is because not only was he really easy and fun to work with but he has a powerful way of speaking not only during his stand up but also when he is acting.

Expectations for the rest of the cast:

Agnus McBurns -

Gregory Plotion -

Dave Smith - Possibility (Shan Rickwood)?

Tall, tough, and a heavy metal fan, this guy may be funny when you meet him but on camera I would expect him to be great as a street fighting, class bullying, rough and tough bloke who gets into all sorts of trouble but beneath all of that anger exterior lies someone who was framed and misunderstood.

Kevin Terrible -

Sam Dagmar -

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