Tuesday 6 October 2015

New Breif Workshop - Scriptwriting for news and story development

I was partnered up with my peer Adele for a News Brief workshop task. We were given a story and out of this story we were told to make it news worthy but also to be used as an actual piece of news we were going to create and make into a short broadcast.

This was our story:

The RSPCA revive calls after DEFRA announced that they will be re starting the cull hunting for Badgers to Dorset. People of Dorset as well as people who already know this news have started these calls to stop this from happening and the RSPCA feels just as strong as everyone else about this matter.

With further research, me and Adele dove deeper in the story to find out why exactly this was happening. The reason for this is because farmers of Dorset as well as other farmers are worried about the disease Badgers carry know as (BT) aka Bovine Tuberculosis.

It is a disease that effects animals but if the damage is done right then it can also affect us humans as well. Farmers believe that Badgers carry is decease and have close contact with their cattle for example cows. Cows produce milk to help us make cheese or any other dairy products and if that decease got on Cows then it could spread to the udder where the milk is produced and therefore can very well end up in the milk and humans could drink it by mistake and would most likely get infected.

Now me and Adele have our story, now the question is how where we going to make it news worthy? Who could we speak to in order to give more details on the story or maybe even the decease? Finally how was it going to shot?

Well according to the story there was already a statement/ quote from the RSPCA's director of public affairs David Bowles. When watching the news there is a certain time when the news anchor would say the curtain quote or saying from someone and a piece of text showing what the person has said would appear. So already we have our quote, now you have you find someone we can interview.

When researching the disease further, we came cross an expert known as DR Rowland Kao, a Professor of Mathematical Population Biology (Institute of Biodiversity Animal Health and Comparative Medicine) Associate Academic (School of Veterinary Medicine) from the University of Glasgow.


Alright we have our interviewee, not only a researcher of animals but also has studied Bovine Tuberculosis before and has lead a team into this matter.

You can see his work here:


Now with only a limited amount of time left we started a little bit of the script and tried to make it sound news worthy. This was all we could do before our lesson had to end and then to pitch our idea to the class.

When it comes to a news script it's actions on the left, and descriptions on the right.

1 comment:

  1. You have shown evidence of some thorough subject research and found yourself potential experts and interviewees. The script is appropriately presented and uses the correct annotation for a TV news script. With more work and development of potential sequences and actuality the news item would be a great piece of work. Needed to hear more from the people affected and less from your reporter.
