Friday 9 October 2015

Research and Development 09/10/15 (News Brief - Development part 2)

After seeing Helen in our next 1 to 1 we were told that our BFI story didn't really serve much purpose and so we got together and tried to think of a different story and angle. Because if just telling people about films is just what we did then that isn't really considered news, it's just promoting the films and nothing else.

We needed a new angle and a new brand, something that catches our audiences attention. We represented film and theater but then we had an epiphany, what if we combined to two together? Not just film but theaters as well, not in an acting sort of theater but as a cinema, as in a place where you go and see films.

New Brand
  • Blue and Black/ Blue and Brown

New Logo
  • Film Ticket 

New Package Story
  • A cinema in Sittingbourne that had been rebuilt in 2014 and is trying to get on the move again by getting customers to come to their screens and watch the films that they are wanting to see.
  • The place was called, New Century Cinema:

Other Developments
  • A new member added to the group, our peer Patricia Dixon. 
  • New name and slogan,  "Film house News", "Theaters Worth Seeing"

New Package Story Idea
  • To help this cinema yet also to tell it's history and why it deserves to have a comeback
  • Voxpop with some of the local people to see what they thought of the cinema and to have their opinions on the matter of it coming back.
  • Historic, news worthy, audience grabbing, we had everything we needed for this story to work.

1 comment:

  1. Again ensure you use your research journal to show your research rather than to describe what has been happening. In this way your journal is more of a record of your idea development from inception to production and post production rather than a diary.
