Friday 30 October 2015

Research and Development Journal 29/10/2105 - News Brief (Reflection and Evaluation)

News Research -

Package Story Ideas

The London Film Festival insider:

Our peer Plamen had a contact within the BFI London where we thought we could do an informative package to tell people about the upcoming London Film Festival.
So we had our access to BFI facility and Plamen's contact even became our interviewee so now we had our 2 things to insure our recording session for our package.

  • The BFI London Film Festival and getting the insider to this event
  • Our interviewee is Corinner Downing the Education Manager of the BFI
  • We would have other footage around the facility to set the location before the interview
  • I would be the one to do the interview to represent to my group 

Did anything go wrong in regards to the story?

  • We thought that this wasn't really news worthy as we realised that it might not really deliver much of an impact to our audience as there wasn't really much of a story to it.
  • With time still on our favour we dropped this idea and palled to come up with another story that had more of edge and eye opener to our new programme.

New Century Cinema Sittingbourne comeback:

By this point in choosing our new story our brand changed to more of a cinema approach so we thought we would be more informative as well bring a story to each segment.

We then discovered this place:

  • A cinema in Sittingbourne that had been rebuilt in 2014 and is trying to get on the move again by getting customers to come to their screens and watch the films that they are wanting to see.
  • The place was called, New Century Cinema and this was once an old open cinema but now totally independent and is now bringing happy customers from around the local area as it is the only cinema in Sittingbourne.

  • We had an informative and inspiring story to not only inform our audience but also touch their hearts. at the same time.  We dug more into this place by seeing their website and saw on one page that there was quite a chunk of history to this place. 

  • In particular this page as seen by the picture above, it shows about it's history and whats it's down now in this present day.

  • Alex talked with the co owner who re opened this place to the public and said that it was fine for us to film and that he would participate in an interview for us.

The Maidstone Film Society:

The Maidstone Film Society is based in the Hazlitt Theatre right in the heart of Maidstone. This year is their 67th season, showing various different films from all around the world.

Once we discovered this story we immediately tried to make a contact and we managed to get hold of the Chairman of the society, Michel Caine, not to get confused with the actor.

  • Patricia took one for the team by being our presenter for the live piece.
  • This was more of an informative story but with a piece of historical significance to it so it was new worth as well.
  • It was very handy once again to see that they had a main website and an about page to help us with the research needed to prepare for the shoot.

Fig 1. Maidstone Film Society Homepage [screenshot] At: (Accessed on 20/10/2015)


Ideas and how these developed into your ideas -

From the beginning my group wanted to do something in regards to film and the industry, so we came up with n interesting edge, Acting. Our news channel was going to be made to help actors get connected to not only other actors and agents but to also help them get their voices heard and their faces seen.

For our branding we were thinking of a colour scheme only 2 colours came to mind, green and black.

Therefore we then came up with our first name for our News Team...
  • Lime light news - But the name was then dropped as many people already used this name, there was even a youtube channel by that name which roughly did the same concept as us escaped they were even more media based.
  • So we tried to have a group brainstorm session to try and come up with a unique name but the more we tried to come up with a new idea for our name the more film based it was which was something we weren't trying to steer away from.
  • In the end we dropped the acting idea and went straight to a film informative programme with the name of "FilmPass News".

  • This picture above we found on Google but it helped us with our branding idea and especially helped me as I was put in charge of the creation of our website.
  • This was my first draft of the website using the online building website which I would use within the designing and building process:

  • The Green and Black to help with Branding and development.

  • Plus with our slogan on the side so people know what we represent and what we do.

As our idea further developed we had to drop our BFI idea and come up with a new edge to help us be less informative and bring more of a story aspect to our channel other wise it wouldn't be news.

Our new and final name we came up with was "FilmHouse news", bringing the latest filming events and stories on independent cinemas which are making a comebacks or have been opened bring history aspects to their which brings out more of a story which would make our channel more news worthy.

Our new logo was inspired by a film ticket:

  • Shaping the outside of a Film Ticket with text in the middle with a courier font which brought out more of a film industry flare to it as scripts are written with this type font.
  • Our new pitch:
Our program is dedicated on providing its viewers with an extensive coverage of places worth being where you can see films worth seeing.

When it came to the website I had to change the layout as it didn't suit our image and when I did try and edit more there were certain aspects of our development within that particular layout which wouldn't let me edit around.

So I chose a better layout which would help bring out our new angle and our new channel.

  • 2nd draft of our website:

Why the change?

   This new design layout is easier to navigate

   Gives me more freedom of creativity 

   Some aspects of what we have to do add to our website is already provided e.g. we have to do 
   a promo for our news and we can add it straight to our website vire the video hyperlink on the 
   design of the site. 

What news sites/ Blogs helped me develop the new site?

BBC Autumn Watch:

How did this help me?

   The detail of their stories in a way was like a journal, to help people keep
    up to date on what the team was doing and filming.

   As you go the website I saw that they try and summarize the premise of
    their news channel. What does it represent? What is you aim? What  

    would people get out of it?

Doctor Who:

How did this help me?

   If you have a small group show the team on a separate page rather then
    the home page.

   Instead of putting the names on the pictures of the characters use the
    website's template to type in captions of the names so they show better.

   It helped me understand the use of the editing tools on the website more
   effectively as I didn’t have to always use Photoshop for everything as  
   sometimes it would take a while to edit a picture and it would often

   waste time.

Now on our website the crew is visible and the text clearly shows the names and jobs of the team members:

Social Media

To get more involved with the public, news teams set up social media pages e.g. Facebook and Twitter so people can contribute to ideas and give a heads up on a story they either want them news team to do or if they think is news worthy, but doing so that particular person would have to be paid for that story.

Here are the pages set up by our peer Patricia C. Dixon:

  • Twitter

  • Facebook

Testing my ideas

The Jib -

  • The one thing we really needed to test of was the Jib for our news pieces we needed to make sure it was secure and that it moved in a way that would look like a news introduction when we panned the camera once we started recording.

  • Although there is no footage we did managed to snap a picture thanks to our peer Patricia 

(Our studio shoot testing out the Jib)

  • The Website was quite a challenge to test as sometimes the links didn't work or some aspects of the site (when published) would either not show up or disappear.

But this was our final and up to date Website:

Link to our site:

Evidence the origins  of your story and the methods you have used to find a journalistic 'top line' - 
The research of the new century cinema

Demonstrate research methods used to research the background of your stories and to find appropriate material and people to film - contributors, locations etc

Workshop exercises:

  • Green Screen exercise (preparing us for our studio shoot).
  • Put together with a shot package presented by me and we had our first practise in making a news programme.

  • I even made a short video about how to do green screening on Final Cut Pro X providing if people were shooting outside with natural light.

  • News story workshop, helping us with research and understanding of a story and developing it to make it even better and news worthy for audiences ready to be informed by it.

This was my story:

The RSPCA revive calls after DEFRA announced that they will be re starting the cull hunting for Badgers to Dorset. People of Dorset as well as people who already know this news have started these calls to stop this from happening and the RSPCA feels just as strong as everyone else about this matter.

I dove deeper in the story to find out why exactly this was happening. The reason for this is because local farmers were worried about the disease Badgers carry known as (BT) aka Bovine Tuberculosis.

It is a disease that effects animals but if the damage is done right then it can also affect us humans as well. Farmers believe that Badgers carry is decease and have close contact with their cattle for example cows. Cows produce milk to help us make cheese or any other dairy products and if that decease got on Cows then it could spread to the udder where the milk is produced and therefore can very well end up in the milk and humans could drink it by mistake and would most likely get infected.
Thats how I got it to be news worthy, it was informative, recent, lots of people were involved in the story, and was an eye catcher finding out about the disease.

  • Scripting exersize 

What did I learn?

Firstly I leaned from the book, studio television and directing that...

  • 'Scripting is a production function - writing - that has a good deal of impact on how a Director actually cues a program' (Utterback, 2007 :136).

Unlike film scripts, documentary and news scripts are almost similar as they put what are sounds and what actions are going to be presented on different sides of the paper. As explained again from Andrew Utterback's book.

  • 'The first column indicates production information. The right-hand column is where the actual script will follow the protocol of the rundown' (Utterback, 2007 :136).

This was my finished script for my package report:


  • Alex Barker - Editor, Cameraman and Sound

  • Plamen Dimitrov - Editor Cameraman and Sound

  • Patricia C. Dixon - Reporter and Journalist

  • Lawrence Sedgwick - Reporter and Website Designer

  • Jennie Delaney - Our Presenter 

  • Terry - New Century Cinema Package (Interviewee)

  • Michel Caine - Live Package (Interviewee)


What went well -

  • Communication between the team, having created a team social page we were able to stay in contact at all times.
  • Finding locations and stories, even though we had to give up a couple of stories we always found a way to find another lead with teamwork and research contributions.
  • Teamwork, we all had our parts to play and we each did our jobs for this project to the best of our abilities.
  • The studio shoot, as we were early to get it set up and ready to work on when our presenter came down.
  • The use of the Jim was quite handy as well and brought out more of a news feel to our piece and in my opinion showed more creativity.

What didn't go so well - 

  • Our idea and a couple of story developments mostly as we kept on having to change and shape our ideas and branding thus giving up on some stories in the process.
  • Our branding was often all over the place and we always wanted to change it and near to the last minute we had to change the logo due to a editing complication. 
  • (We couldn't put the ticket into the intro of our news programme  so we had to use what was on the intro as our new logo).
  • Filming on the spot as I feel that most of the shots didn't look up to news standard professionalism.
  • Some aspects of the Website designing went out of control as when we wanted our logo in one place it would go in another or the website design of the page wouldn't allow the picture to go into a certain place.
  • Some aspects of my research into the news brief might not have been up to date as I got either distracted into making more of the website or on other projects.

What to do next time - 

  • Time manage and make sure to know what to research in relation to a certain brief.
  • So how I got my ideas and how they helped develop my idea within an earlier stage in my Journal research.
  • Make sure to reference on the places I have visited e.g. websites as well as books.
  • Be better organised in regards to dates as there were times I got dates mixed up and didn't know what to work on a certain day.


I have learned that journalisum is a tough and a quite competitive job as getting a story and developing it in time for a weekly show must be very stressful. I have learned not only how to develop a story by doing research alone but also making news worthy.

Working in a team is something I always liked to do, and this project truly made me old more into a team player knowing that my team of people are counting on me as I am of them. I have learned that communication is the key for a news team be at their absolute best. When it comes to scripting, it's a lot different then film and documentary scripting as you mostly need just two boxes to work from. One for actions on the left and one for audio on the right.

Finding or hiring people to do presenting as well as act can be a challenge as you need the right person who has that right edge that we represent. So throw auditions can prove useful so we can have a better understanding of the people or person we are hiring to work with. (Although I think Jennie Delaney did a wonderful job helping us out with or programme).

Overall this was quite a challenging brief as it threw me into a field of media that I knew hardly about and I could say that I have a better understanding when it comes to the world of news.

List of images used thought Journal research and development:

 Pro am camera Jib crane 4 to 8ft (2012) [Picture] At: (Accessed on 29/10/2015)

Maidstone Film Society Homepage [screenshot] At: (Accessed on 20/10/2015)

Studio prep is underway (2015) [Picture] At: (Accessed on 29/10/2015) 

Robert Downey Jr walks out of nail-bitingly awkward Channel 4 News interview (2015) [Picture] At: (Accessed on 29/10/2015)

BCFTP VOX POP: Stakeholder involvement - Gitxsan Nation (2013)[Screenshot] At: (Accessed on 29/10/2015)

FilmHouse News Website (2015) [Screenshot] At:;postID=4970415533802344096 (Accessed on 27/10/2015)

LCFC PROMOTION JOY – VOX POP VIDEOS (2014)[Picture] At: (Accessed on 29/10/2015)

FilmHouse News Website (2015) [Screenshot] At:;postID=4970415533802344096 (Accessed on 27/10/2015)

Doctor Who Website (2015) [Screenshot] At: (Accessed on 27/10/2015)

FilmHouse News Website (2015) [Screenshot] At:;postID=4970415533802344096 (Accessed on 27/10/2015)

Autumnwatch (2015) [Screenshot] At: (Accessed on 27/10/2015)

FilmHouse News Website (2015) [Screenshot] At:;postID=4970415533802344096 (Accessed on 27/10/2015)

FilmHouse News (2015) [screenshot] At: (Accessed on 20/10/2015)

Whose Line: Colin Newsflash (2008) [screenshot] At: (Accessed on 13/10/2015)

Green Pulse (2014) [Image] At: (Accessed on 27/09/2015).

BFI London Film Festival (2014) [Image] At: (Accessed on 23.09.15)

48 Hour Film Challenge (2015) At: (Accessed on 23.09.15)

The Closing Night Gala of the festival will be taking place on Sunday October 18th at the ODEON Leicester Square (2005) [Image] At: on 23.09.15)

UCA BA (Hons) Acting & Performance page (2015) At: (Accessed on 23.09.15)

TV news report script example (2013) [Screenshot] At: (Accessed on 28/10/2015)


ITV News Intro 2010 [youtube online] 5:38 At: (Accessed on 29/10/2015)

Jib dictionary definition (2009) [online] At: (Accessed on 29/10/2015)

Maidstone Film Society [online] At: (Accessed on 20/10/2015)

New Century Cinema - Sittingbourne [online] At: (Accessed on 20/10/2015)

Utterback, Andrew (2007) studio television and directing. Abingdon: Focal Press

Whose Line is it Anyway? : News Flash - Colin [television program online] Hat Trick Productions Warner Bros Television Riverside Productions (1998) 4 mins 19secs At: (Accessed on 13/10/2015)

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