Tuesday 20 October 2015

Research and Development Journal 20/10/2015 - News Brief Development (Website)

Whats Changed so far:

  • Our Name (FilmHouse News)
  • Our Slogan (Theatres Worth Seeing)
  • Our new team mate (Patricia Dixon)
  • New story:
A independent cinema in Sittingbourne is trying to make a comeback and could this be the end of independent cinema's all together?

Whats has changed now?
  • Our Website

Figure 1. FilmHouse News (2015) [screenshot] At: http://www.weebly.com/editor/main.php (Accessed on 20/10/2015)

Whats new about it?
  • New and updated picture of the team
  • Our new logo designed by Alex is now on the website
  • Our new story is now on the website and ready for editing if anything develops
  • New design layout

Why the change?
  • This new design layout is easier to navigate
  • Gives me more freedom of creativity 
  • Some aspects of what we have to do add to our website is already provided e.g. we have to do a promo for our news and we can add it straight to our website vire the video hyperlink on the design of the site. 
  • The last design wasn't really to our liking and we tried to find something new that went well with our colours and branding.

1 comment:

  1. Show me research into web design for news channels to inform your work - not necessarily the technical research (unless that is relevant) but more in terms of content and presentation - development of clear online branding etc. Show me what you find, how you will use it and the development of your work.
