Saturday 3 October 2015

Research and Development Journal 03/10/2015 (Fiction Adaptation part 2 - Essay Ideas)

For this new brief on Fiction Adaptation, we were also asked to write up a 1500 - 2500 word essay and we had to put this statement as the center of our essay, "The Book Will Always Be Better Than The Film".

To me this can go so many ways, many books have been made and adapted into many, many films.

  • Harry Potter movie franchise (2001 - 2011) and the books from J.K. Rowling (1997 - 2007)

  •   Alex Rider - Storm Breaker movie adaptation (2006)

(Storm breaker novel 2000)

But the most famous of all adaptation from book to film, TV, stage plays is from the literal works of the great Charles Dickens.

(Charles Dickens 1812 - 1870)

  • Great Expectations
  • A Christmas Carol 
  • David Copperfield
  • Oliver Twist
All of these tales are expressed by critics as endless classics, Dickens's work has been put into historic legend, next to Shakespeare and even the bible. These works by the great author are the most adapted in all of media history and these stories are still being adapted today.

For example, A Christmas Carol:

(A Christmas Carol 1951)

(A Christmas Carol 2009)

But for my essay I was originally thinking about looking at one of my favorite books series I read when I was in secondary school, Lemony Sicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events, while also looking at the film which was based on the first three books. The Bad Beginning, The Reptile Room, and The Wide Window.

(The Series of Unfortunate Events movie adaption 2004)

Not only to compare but I had an idea to Analise the film as well as the books to and to see what fans thought went wrong with the film and go into detail to argue with the question, just because it was bad does that mean it was necessarily bad? Maybe they did curtain things to the film that had to be done, but is what they did really considered a bad decision or even just plain bad in general?

But "unfortunately", sorry I couldn't resit, we have to do the essay on a television series that has been adapted from a book.  If only this series would have came out sooner then this would have definitely been my choice.

But since we were looking more towards Television for this essay I decided to look back at one of my childhood classic from C.S. Lewis's The Chronicles of Narnia, The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe, and to compare the books, there was the BBC adaption from 1988 made for television as a mini series.

(The Chronicles of Narnia TV mini series adaption 1988)

Knowing the books and stories to an extent and having watched the BBC versions of the stories by C.S. Lewis, I feel that I can really make a song essay on why necessarily sometimes the book and the film can't be both equally have it's song point as well as it's week points.


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