Wednesday 28 October 2015

Research and Development Journal 28/10/2015 (News Brief - Scripting for news)

Scripting for news:

Firstly it would be good to address from the book, studio television and directing that...

  • 'Scripting is a production function - writing - that has a good deal of impact on how a Director actually cues a program' (Utterback, 2007 :136).

Unlike film scripts, documentary and news scripts are almost similar as they put what are sounds and what actions are going to be presented on different sides of the paper. As explained again from Andrew Utterback's book.

  • 'The first column indicates production information. The right-hand column is where the actual script will follow the protocol of the rundown' (Utterback, 2007 :136).

For example:

Fig 1. TV news report script example (2013) [Screenshot] At: (Accessed on 28/10/2015)

This script shows -
  • On the left the timing of which an action will take place
  • In the middle, the video/ action showing what will happen on screen
  • Lastly on the right, The audio/ words that people will say during the production

When it came to my teams script, we had the right angle but since we were running low on time due to a complication and we had no idea what the day would be like when it came to filming. So we made sure to have the video/ actions at the right, and the words I was going to say on the right.

(FilmHouse News script for Lawrence)

List of Images:
Fig 1. TV news report script example (2013) [Screenshot] At: (Accessed on 28/10/2015)


Utterback, Andrew (2007) studio television and directing. Abingdon: Focal Press

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