Thursday 29 October 2015

Research and Development Journal 292013/10/2015 (News Brief - Studio Shoot and Camera Techniques)

Studio Development:

What equipment are we using?

  • Sony EX Camera
  • Green Screen
  • Tripod
  • One Jib / Crane
  • 3 Blue Head Light - 300 wots

Was there anything new to me when it came to filming?
  • The Jib

What is a jib?

By definition, a jib is an arm that sticks out of a crane, a triangular sail that stays in front of the mast, or an animal that stops and refuses to go back.

Why use the jib?
Some news programmes use them when doing an intro and outro I saw an example been done on ITV when I had the chance to witness a full lunchtime broadcast as I visited the studio in 2010.

This intro was done by a jim on a dolly or basically, a crane on wheels, here is an example of an ITV news introduction from the beginning of the video:

We were thinking of using the Jim we had in our studios for our news piece and so we were thought of all of these creative ways to shoot our studio piece within the time and space that we had. We also had to make sure it looked as professional as possible while shooting with our hired presenter.


What camera Techniques to use in new production (Interviews):

When conducting an interview from a seat or living space-

  • When your interviewee is sitting down or standing up make sure it is a medium close up shot.
  • Position the camera where you can see the background as well as the persons head and shoulders.

(Medium Close up of the person your interviewing)

  • Take note of the background as it looks nice and also try and decorate it to the subject of the conversation/ interview. 
  • If there are not many props or things the person has within the space they're in then try and improve and make the background look as nice as possible for your interviewee.

When conducting and interview or vox pop on the street -

  • Firstly make sure you definitely have permission to film on the place where you will be on the field interviewing people for a vox pop.
  • Secondly when you are conducting the interview once again try and make it a medium close up of the target you are interviewing as most vox pops would include just one person on camera and the reporter would be behind the camera with just the microphone recording the voice of the interviewee.
  • If this story has more of a location statement then try and get more of the background showing where the story is taking place. So use a Long Medium Shot to get the best of the environment as well as your interviewee. 
  • Depending on your interview goes, because sometimes when interviewing someone you will be on the spot, try and not get the microphone in the shot as it's often unprofessional.

(Medium Long shot of the person your interviewing while showing more of the background)

  • Unless you intend to be in the package you are filming then make it a long medium shot showing both you and your interviewee.

(Long medium shot showing both your interviewee and the reporter on the scene)

List of images:

  • Pro am camera Jib crane 4 to 8ft (2012) [Picture] At: (Accessed on 29/10/2015)
  • Studio prep is underway (2015) [Picture] At: (Accessed on 29/10/2015)
  • Robert Downey Jr walks out of nail-bitingly awkward Channel 4 News interview (2015) [Picture] At: (Accessed on 29/10/2015)
  • BCFTP VOX POP: Stakeholder involvement - Gitxsan Nation (2013)[Screenshot] At: (Accessed on 29/10/2015)
  • LCFC PROMOTION JOY – VOX POP VIDEOS (2014)[Picture] At: (Accessed on 29/10/2015)


ITV News Intro 2010 [youtube online] 5:38 At: (Accessed on 29/10/2015)

Jib dictionary definition (2009) [online] A: (Accessed on 29/10/2015)

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