Saturday 17 October 2015

Research and Development Journal 17/10/2015 (Fiction Adaptation Development)

What Question am I'm going to do:

Question (3) In adapting a novel the adapter inevitably infringes the integrity of the original text - discuss with reference to at least one text adapted for broadcast on television.

What example am I going to involve this essay?

  • C.S. Lewis's Chronicles of Narnia (The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe

Why this adaptation?

  • The novel is interesting as it resembles a magical journey surrounded by religion
  • It was broadcasted for televission
  • I will show in this example that both the book and the TV Show have their strong and week points

How can I achieve this?

  • By looking at the original novel (which I have) and study it more closely for anything to take note of.
  • Go back and watch the series (Based ONLY on the first book not all 4 books) and take note of anything I can bring up in an argument.
  • Takes notes and quotes from other books as well as online articles about people's opinions of the show and try and include them within the essay.

What references can help me?

  • The illustrated version of C.S. Lewis's The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe by Pauline Baynes 

Figure 1. The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe (1950) [picture] At: (Accessed on 17/10/2015)

  • A Theory of Adaptation (second edition) by Linda Hutcheon

Figure 2. A Theory of Adaptation (2013) [picture] At: (Accessed on 17/10/2015)

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