Monday 7 November 2016

Major Project Research - Character research (Henry the Jehovah's Witness)

Character Profile:

Henry Javerson

Played by - John Redding

Age: 32

Backstory: Henry grew up within a religious up bringing along with harsh and strict parents who for his whole life told him what to do, say, and think so he would meet the qualifications to enter the heavenly gate of their might lord and saviour. He is spent his whole life trying to earn the love and respect of his parents by becoming a true part of the Jehovah's Witness religion. The only problem is that he is clumsy and finding people to talk to about Jesus Christ is not the easiest thing in the world. He has been mostly without (apart from his family) human interaction for many years. When he finally finds a house to step in and talk to people, he ends up mistaken as someone else and he world gets turned upside down.

Religion - Jehovah's Witness

About: The Jehovah's Witness religion teaches that Jehovah is the proper name of the God of Israel in the Hebrew Bible.  They are taught to follow and worship Jesus Christ

What traditions do Jehovah's Witnesses carry out?

Holidays and celebrations such as Christmas and Birthdays are not carried out and are deemed as "pagan holidays" and may not be observed by Witnesses. They believe that Jesus Christ is their saviour and is worshiped and respected. Therefore if they worship and prey to Jesus they believe that with his warmth, they would gain access to heaven by means of the good heart and kindness of God.

Although it is recorded that Jehovah's Witnesses celebrate one event, the memorial of the death of Christ, since it was carried out by Christy himself. During one time a year a dinner known as The Lords Supper is handed out, the main food served are the bread for the skin and wine for the blood as quoted by Jesus himself. The day's purpose is to be thankful to Jesus's sacrifice to redeem us. This meal takes place near to the christian holiday Easter, however the last record of this observation was on April 4th 2004.


Religion Facts. (2015) Jehovah's Witnesses holidays and festivals. At: (Accessed on 07/11/2016). (2016) Why Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Observe the Lord’s Supper Differently From the Way Other Religions Do? At: (Accessed on 07/11/2016).

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