Monday 14 November 2016

P.A.L Productions update (Can each of our films be achieved?)

In our latest meeting we needed to discuss the most important issue, are our films going to be achievable to make and edit within the time frame we got?

We made a detail plan about what we needed and a hypothetical plan on how long our films where going to take to film.

We planed a 3 week chart on how achievable each of the films where going to take to film. From there we even specified on what resources we could share in order to help each other on making our films.

From what we discussed and planned:

Plamen -

  • 1 Female lead actress and 1 male supporting actor
  • 1 Main location curtesy of Alex
  • 1 Secondary location (House in Maidstone)

Alex -
  • 1 Male lead actor, 3 male supporting actors and 1 female supporting
  • 1 Main location (Roadside) and 1 secondary location (Country road)
  • Props include, lorry and police car

Lawrence -
  • 1 Male lead actor, 3 male supporting actors and 1 female supporting character
  • 1 Main location cutesy of Alex and Plamen
  • 3 Secondary locations cutesy of other actors.

The hypothetical schedule:
  • 1 Week dedicated to working on Alex's film.
  • 2nd Week dedicated to working on Plamen's film.
  • 3rd Week dedicated to working on Lawrence's film.

We determined that Since Alex was only going to need 3 days to shoot his intro and the scenes with the police officers the rest can be reshoots and making sure his film looked as perfect as it can be.

For the first 2 days, Plamen was going to use them to shoot the intro within his first location. The rest was primarily within the second location and would use the remainder of the week.

This film was going to take the longest for me to shoot. I planned out having to use Plamen and Alex's house as part of my main location for the house of the delinquents. Since it had more then 4 rooms I could use cleaver camera techniques to move from one location to another. Because I didn't want to use most of Plamen's and Alex's rooms I came up with a cleaver idea that would show the most of my actor's worlds and characteristics on screen. 

I was going to use my own actor's rooms as most of the actors I chose where based on the characters I visualised. It might take a lost of risk assessments but if organised properly I can use the most of all locations to their fullest potentials.

Even though we used the white board to schedule our films out, Alex used an app on his computer to schedule out our films in a more cleaner fashion:

With our hypothetical plan in motion, we have determined that each of our films are in fact achievable. Most of my film takes place in the evening, if organised cleverly and if my actors comply, I can make it so I can film on days we are filming Plamen's film and some days on Alex's film so my film can be done at the same time.

The remaining months with be editing and re shoots if we need to. With the amount of footage that will be gathered, we will have enough footage to submit and draft edit to show Simon our tutor by the day he needs it.

1 comment:

  1. hello Lawrence - whilst i can just about understand some of this plan, it is not clear. I need a clear, detailed plan of how you will share resources and time, and who is doing what on what film.
