Tuesday 8 November 2016

P.A.L Productions update - Working together as a unit

As a production unit, me, Plamen and Alex have to pull together in order achieve each of our films within certain times that we are shooting all together.

So far we have each discussed each other's ideas and plans for our films and had given each other feedback on what could be done to achieve them. We put our heads together and gave each other advice on our stories and how we could improve them. Even if we showed each other youtube clips from shows that describe how we want it to look and feel, we would all understand, like when I showed Alex and Plamen an example of the 'The Young Ones' of when they enter their new house for the first time and the two characters Rick and Vivian fight over who gets the better bedroom.  They can imagine what type of characters I need and what I want them to do within each situation they are in.

We still need to show our ideas better in terms of where we are at now. The last few meetings we have had where by means of helping each other structure and find our stories. Other meetings we engaged with who is going to be doing what on our projects. Who is going to be our DOPs or our Sound? Who are the other members of our crew?

The pictures bellow show how we have developed our ideas and where we are at in terms of our pre production unit and major project construction.

  • Roles and things to conceder to input into the Pre Production Package.
  • What crew would be needed for my film?

  • Showing what my characters where going to be and described.
  • To the left shows where we are at in terms of our pre production.

  •  In this 3rd meeting we are discussing and planning our equipment.
  • Bellow shows my story development and Plamen and Alex are helping me to structure it better from when i last had originally.
  • To the left is again where are in terms of the pre production packages.

The Plan:
Our action plan is sorting out who is doing what on the production but each week we will discuss and input feedback on where we are meant to be each week so that way we are on track and accomplish what we need to do within the time that we have now.

Here is a rough template on what I have made for the group so we know hat we have to do and how we can help each other in the process.


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