Tuesday 22 November 2016

Pre Production Unit development (My Second Presentation Refection)

We were all about half way through our pre productions and it was time to diluter our second presentations and what was different this time around was to showcase what we had achieved so far  and explain in detail on how we were going to achieve where we needed to go ignored to deliver the final pre production package by the end of the term in December.


  • What went well?
The feedback was more positive as everyone now knew my idea. It was clear and showed how I was going to achieve my idea and where I was at so far. Most people really liked my characters and how they were individual and unique from each other.  Some of the feedback from my peers was most appreciated, Jordan (one of my classmates) suggested that I lower the age of my main character as it made sense for the main character to be involved with people close to his age.
  • What didn't go so well?
I was going to also explain my location idea to everyone, but unfortunately and error came onto my tutor's laptop and I had to use the last version saved onto my hard rive which didn't include the location information which really could have helped.
I rush at bit at the end as I was also going to explain how my production group with Alex and Plamen where going to play out and achieve each and every one of our films. Because Plamen already explained the plan before me, I skimmed most of what I was going to say which was mostly what Plamen had already said. 
  • What could have been improved?
Not much to be honest it was hard for me to think or look back at what I did and recall any moments where I could have improved on. If anything I could have improved on my speaking. Occasionally I would repeat what I have already said due to being a little nervous. 
  • What to remember to do next time
Make sure the right version of my presentation is saved properly before gong into a group presentation showing. Don't panic, remember to breathe and try to concentrate on what you are aiming to come across to your peers.
  • Overall

It went a lot better then my other presentation as I believe my idea came across and my tutors knew the story and what I was trying to aim for. There where other point I wanted to came across but unfortunately I wasn't good for time and Simon did tell me to get a move on when it came to the slides about my production team and our ideas. The feedback was positive and my pees seemed to look forward to my idea coming to life. I just can't wait to start filming my final film to UCA, it has been quite a journey for me and others and I will not let this amazing opportunity go to waste.

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