Monday 14 November 2016

Major Project update - Location and other possibilities

With my production in the shadows in terms of location, I thought I would do a quick update on the location situation.

I needed a student residence house, 4 rooms at least. I was researching where I could find a place to put my delinquents in.  The only location that came to mind that would not only serve me the place and budget was to share my friends Alex and Plamen's house in Maidstone where is was easily accessible and had 4 rooms as well as interesting props to use.

The inside of the house is tight and most of the location would be hard to move about with the camera if the time came to use big equipment such as sound. Up stairs however as 5 rooms, I can imagine turning 2 of them into student rooms matching their characteristics. Some such as Agnus and Robert.

The inside of the house still needs to be further examined and studied for the health and safety forms. As for the outside it reminded me of the outside of the house of the Young Ones. Bricked, old, not particular perfect, but at the same time it is part of the story and feeling of the characters. Dirty, lazy, horrid, and messy.

What the outside looks like:

Inspiration from "The Young Ones":

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