Wednesday 30 November 2016

Pre Production Unit - Story Synopsis


Henry is a Jehovah's Witness and has been since he was 12 years old. His mum and dad gave him no freedom into the curiosity of anything that be considered a sin. Metal/ Rock music, video games, and the concept of blood transfusions.

One this particular day the Jehovah's Witness members send Henry to go on a door to door ministry mission by himself. Though it is customary that Jehovah's witnesses go in pairs to do this task, Henry wants to prove himself and his family that he can take on the mission and make them proud.

Unfortunately Henry is the worst Jehovah's witness ever. He would often forget the script of what he has to say when a home door opens. Most of the time he would just get rejected from homes when the residents take that first look at his Watchtower magazines or bible, emedeatley they would close their doors without saying a word.

Henry tries his best and even decides to try to keep going until evening but after contently being rejected from home to home he walks slowly into the night with his confidence shattered. Henry sees one last house and decides to go for one last try, he wants to get rid of at least one magazine.

Little does he know that this particular house is inhabited by 4 university delinquents who have quite a reputation around this area. Anti social behaviour, loud noise and music, late night parties, these are people you don't want to live with.

Kevin the heavy metal rock star, Derek a gaming couch potato, Robert the sarcastic smart ass, and Agnus the depressing artist.

A letter however arrives before Henry as the delinquents revive it and get informed of a un scheduled inspection by the land lord. Naturally these delinquents start to panic until they hear a knock at their door. Instead of the land lord they are promised, Henry instead comes to their in hopes to accomplish his mission.

Mistaken for their land lord the delinquents come up with a plan to distract Henry as they clean up their act, as well as their house. As Henry goes around each of the delinquents's environments, he sees his childhood. A childhood where he was into the same things as the delinquents. Loud music, video games, and he even had a best friend suffering from an illness that required a blood transfusion. Even though he was too young to give blood he can't help but think that there was some way that his family could had helped him as well as others.

After going around the house Henry comes to realise that he was never good at being a Jehovah's Witness and learns that the delinquents thought that he was their land lord. Eventually the delinquents find out what Henry is and almost consider just kicking him out, but after they hear his story the delinquents decide to give him a break and show him what he has been missing out on.

The delinquents throw a little party and Henry starts experiencing all sorts of things that a Jehovah's Witness should never think about or even do. Like drinking alcohol playing and listening to loud rock and heavy metal music. Playing violent video games, making a mess, having fun and not regretting a thing. Henry is now more happy then he even has been in a long time. The house is once again a complete mess, all seems well for them when all of a sudden a knock on the door is made by the real land lord coming to inspect the delinquents.

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