Monday 21 November 2016

Major Project Research (Character Development)

Continuing the research dedicated to my main character Henry for my short film. He is a Jehovah Witness and to make sure there is no mistake and controversy I wanted to make sure that some of the facts about them are true.

  • They don't accept blood transfusions.  Imagine you're in a car accident and you're taken to the hospital. They need to give you blood. Devout Witnesses won't accept it.     

  • If you commit what the church views as a serious sin, and you're deemed unrepentant by a committee of elders, you will be disfellowshipped.  Not just kicked out of the church... but disfellowshipped. Which means no one in the church can ever speak with you again.    

  • They believe the world's ending soon and only they will be saved.   

  • They don't celebrate birthdays. They believe your death day is way more important than your birthday.  

  • They don't celebrate other Holidays.   

  • They are currently governed by seven dudes.   The Governing Body formulates doctrine for all Witnesses everywhere.   Women aren't allowed.   They don't have any special qualifications despite being able to set policy for millions of followers.   And they're appointed for life.  

  • Jehovah's Witnesses are discouraged from getting higher education   Preaching is supposed to be your true calling. College would just get in the way of that. So while you might get away with learning a trade, Church Elders actively discourage you from going to a university.   

  • They must read watch tower often and deliver it to doors as they knock on people's doors. They also go around people's house in pairs and is very rare to see one Jehovah's Witness my themselves.

Bibliography:, Examining 101 Strange Beliefs and Practices of Jehovah Witnesses. (2016) At:

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