Monday 14 November 2016

Major Project update - Character Profiles

In this post I will describing the characters and how I will perceive and view them.

Henry Javerson (Main)

  • 32 Years old
  • Comes from a religious upbringing 
  • Polite and socially awkward attitude
  • Worst Jehovah's Witness ever!
  • Tried to have an authentic rebellious life when he was young but parents wouldn't let him.

Kevin Bucket

  • 22 years old
  • Big and Strong
  • Plays metal music
  • Cool yet rebellious attitude
  • Bully

Derek Damons

  • 21 years old
  • Gamer/ Geek
  • laid back, rude attitude
  • Kevin's best friend
  • Primarily applied to uni to get away from his parents and to be with Kevin.

Robert Sadler

  • 20 Years old (Youngest)
  • Reader, Schooler
  • Softy, sarcastic, and smart attitude
  • His only friend around the house is his teddy bear named Gary
  • Constantly being bullied by the other housemates.

Agnus McBurns

  • 23 years old
  • Artest
  • Gothic and depressing attitude
  • Blank expression
  • Paints art on how she sees the world, mostly dull, destructive and horrible.

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